Output Node Settings

Double-click the BFX Output node in the schematic to see its settings.

Basic Settings

The settings in the Basic menu are non-editable, and are available so you can see the output resolution and timecode of the timeline segment you entered Batch FX with.

Width field
Displays the width resolution of the output clip. Non-editable.
Height field
Displays the height resolution of the output clip. Non-editable.
Frame Depth field
Displays the output frame depth. Non-editable.
Aspect Ratio field
Displays the output aspect ratio. Non-editable.
In Timecode field
Displays the in point timecode of the output clip. Non-editable.
Out Timecode field
Displays the out point timecode of the output clip. Non-editable.
Duration Timecode field
Displays the timecode duration of the output clip. Non-editable.

Resize Settings

The Resize settings for the BFX Output node are only available if you attach a clip to the pipeline that is a different resolution than the original BFX output. In this case, the Resize settings are active, but you are not able to change the Destination settings (these must remain the same as when you entered BFX from the timeline).

RGB LUT Settings

Similar to the Resize settings, The RGB LUT settings for the BFX Output node are only available if you attach a clip to the pipeline that is a different resolution than the original BFX output.