Applying Fog to the Scene

To add fog to the scene:

  1. In the Camera menu, select a fog type from the Fog box.
    Type Description
    Linear Specifies the distance at which fog should start and end.
    Exponential Fog = e -(density * z)

    where z represents the range or distance from the camera. The range should lie within the realm of the near and far clipping planes. The minimum value is 1.

    Exponential2 Fog = e -(density * z)2.

    The exponential types provide more depth, more natural looking fog, and make the edges appear smoother.

  2. For Linear fog, specify the distance at which the fog should start and end in the Start and End fields. For Exp or Exp2 fog, specify the range in the Range field.
  3. To select the colour of the fog, click the colour pot to display the colour picker.

    Typically, the fog colour should match the background colour of the image in the scene.