Animation Controls

Use the Animation controls to modify channels. The settings are displayed when the Anim Controls toggle button is enabled in the Animation editor or the Dissolve editor (some options are unavailable in the Dissolve editor).

Display box
Toggle between displaying the Channel Editor view (Curve in previous versions of Lustre) or in Track Editor view (Timeline in previous versions).

In the Dissolve editor, only the Channels display is available.

Tools box
Select how you want to modify keyframes:
Select: To:
Add (A) Add a keyframe.
Move (M) Move a keyframe.
Scale Scale animation curves in X and Y, around a keyframe.
Delete (D) Delete a keyframe.
Break Break a tangent.
Repair Repair a broken tangent.
Scale Edit Mode:

To scale animation curves in Y:

  1. Select Scale from the Animation Editor Edit Mode drop down.
  2. Click on the keyframe you want to use as a reference and drag up and down to scale the animation in Y around this keyframe.

To scale animation curves in X:

  1. Select Scale from the Animation Editor Edit Mode drop down.
  2. Click on the keyframe you want to use as a reference and drag left and right to scale the animation in Y around this keyframe.
Note: It is also possible to pre-select keyframes before selecting Scale Edit mode. In this context, only the selected keyframes are affected. Also, when scaling in X, the position of the scaled keyframes is limited by the previous or next keyframe. The value is clamped to the pre/next keyframe value.
Return button
Modify a keyframe and return to Move mode.
Curve Functions box
Apply a curve function to the current channel. Options are:
  • Tangent R/L
  • Tangent L
  • Translate X
  • Translate Y
  • FrameSnap
  • Simplify
  • Jitter
  • Average
  • Reverse
  • Invert
Select All button
Selects all keyframes on the current channel.
Delete Selected button
Deletes selected keyframes from the current channel.
Interpolation Mode box
Select how the curve between keyframes is shaped: as a Constant, Linear, Hermite or Bezier curve; Mixed is displayed only when a selection contains keyframes with different interpolations; Natural is available only when importing timelines with dissolves from Wiretap server.
Extrapolation Mode box
Select the shape of the curve before and after the first and last keyframes.