Warper Menu Settings

Miscellaneous Buttons

Exit button
Exits the Warper tool.
Load button
Loads a setup.
Save button
Saves a setup.
Setup Name field
Displays the name of the last saved setup.
Revert button
Reverts to the last saved setup.
Source option box
Select a field rendering mode.
Player button
Opens the Player to view the rendered clip.
Step Render field
Displays the frame number interval to be rendered (to see intermediate results, for example). Editable.
Preview button
Previews the distort effect without rendering.
Setup button
Sets playback options, changes display colours, and inputs slip values.
Animation button
Opens the channel editor.
View box
Select an option to set the view in the image window.
Auto Key button
Enable to set a keyframe automatically each time you change a value at any frame.
Reset All button
Resets all parameters.

Setup Menu

Decimation field
Displays the number of subdivisions for the main patches of the mesh. Editable.

Decimation is the number of subdivisions for the main patches of the mesh (not the small subdivided elements). The default decimation value is 10, which means that each patch is divided into 10 by 10 elements. You should increase this value when:

  • You want to use smoother curves along the edges of the patches.
  • A patch has been greatly subdivided. When the Decimation value is too low, the subdivided sections will appear to “swim” instead of locking to points and splines.
  • A patch is twisted extensively. When the Decimation value is too low, the interior of the patch may appear to fold or break up unexpectedly. Increase the value to smooth the interior of the patch.

Keep the following points in mind when you are adjusting the decimation value:

  • Increasing the Decimation value will cause interaction and processing speed to decrease dramatically.
  • The Decimation value remains in effect during final processing.
  • There is no relationship between the Decimation value and the TexPrec value. The Decimation value defines the precision of the geometry, whereas the TexPrec value affects the precision of the image that is mapped to this geometry.
Samples field
Displays the anti-aliasing factor (the number of samples per pixel during final rendering). Editable.

The Samples field specifies the anti-aliasing factor. This number specifies the number of samples per pixel during final processing.

Texture Repeat button
Enable to allow pixels to repeat when a source mesh goes outside of the borders of an image.
Texture Quality box
Select a texture rendering option.

Provides three texture rendering options.

Select: To:
High Quality Use high-quality hardware texture rendering. This option always uses the highest level of precision. High Quality tiles images according to the available texture memory. This option is the default and is the recommended rendering option for film images or any image that is greater than the available texture memory.
Low Quality Use low-quality hardware texture rendering, specifically during interactive rendering mode or when you want to render an image quickly. This option uses the precision level that you set in the Precision field.
Pixel Rendering Use polygon rendering.

Click Preview to hide the mesh and preview the resulting frame.

Texture Precision field
Displays the speed/quality ratio for interaction, as well as the rendering quality when Low Quality is selected as the rendering option. Editable.

The higher the value, the higher the quality of the display during interaction, and the higher the quality of final processing when rendering under Low Quality.

Motion Update button
Enable to use the same values for properties such as position, rotation, and colour in the scene. Disable to manually copy keyframe values from one frame to another.

When disabled, animated objects do not move, but keep the position of their current value. Disable Motion Update when you want to copy keyframe values from one frame to another.

Play Lock button
Enable to update the animation settings according to the frame or timebar position as you move through the clip while keeping it locked at the current frame.
Front Slip field
Displays the number of frames to slip the front clip. Editable.
Back Slip field
Displays the number of frames to slip the back clip. Editable.
Front Matte Slip field
Displays the number of frames to slip the front matte clip. Editable.
Back Matte Slip field
Displays the number of frames to slip the back matte clip. Editable.
Icons button
Enable to display splines, tangents, and vertices in the image.
Spline colour pot
Displays the colour of splines in the image. Editable.
Tangent colour pot
Displays the colour of tangents in the image. Editable.
Vertex colour pot
Displays the colour of vertices in the image. Editable.
Shape Interpolation box
Select an interpolation type.

Main Menu

Add Mesh button
Enable to add a mesh or patch to the image.
Xcells field
Displays the number of patches along the X axis. Editable.
Ycells field
Displays the number of patches along the Y axis. Editable.
Proportional button
Enable to keep the XCells and YCells fields proportional.
Delete Mesh button
Deletes the selected mesh.
Front Clip Setup box
Select an option for using the front clip.
Back Clip Setup box
Select an option for using the back clip.
Matte Clip Setup box
Select an option for using the matte clip.
Back Matte Clip Setup box
Select an option for using the back matte clip.
Background Clip Setup box
Select an option for using the background clip.
Warp button
Displays the warping controls.
Morph button
Displays the morphing controls.
Front Source button
Enable to create a front source mesh.
Show Front Source button
Enable to display the front source mesh in the image.
Front Source colour pot
Displays the colour for the front source mesh. Editable.
Front Destination button
Enable to create a front destination mesh.
Show Front Destination button
Enable to display the front destination mesh in the image.
Front Destination colour pot
Displays the colour for the front destination mesh. Editable.
Back Source button
Enable to create a back source mesh in a morph.
Show Back Source button
Enable to display the back source mesh in the image.
Back Source colour pot
Displays the colour for the back source mesh. Editable.
Back Destination button
Enable to create a back destination mesh in a morph.
Show Back Destination button
Enable to display the back destination mesh in the image.
Back Destination colour pot
Displays the colour for the back destination mesh. Editable.
Source Interpolation button
Enable to use source interpolation in a morph.
Show Source Interpolation button
Enable to display source interpolation in the image.
Front Source Mapping box
Select the area that the front source is mapped to.
Front Destination Mapping box
Select the area that the front destination is mapped to.
Back Source Mapping box
Select the area that the back source is mapped to.
Back Destination Mapping box
Select the area that the back destination is mapped to.
X Position field
Displays the position of the control points along the X axis. Editable.
Y Position field
Displays the position of the control points along the Y axis. Editable.
Z Position field
Displays the position of the control points along the Z axis. Editable.
Curves button
Enable to activate the interpolation and dissolve curves.
Dissolve field
Displays the percentage change in the colour of the pixels at the current frame. Editable.
Interpolate field
Displays the percentage change in the position of the pixels at the current frame. Editable.
Move button
Enable to move a vertex, an edge, or a tangent handle.
Move Mode box
Select an option to change the position, size, and orientation of part or all of the mesh.
Subdivide button
Enable to divide patches in a mesh into smaller subpatches and split the edges into smaller segments.
Auto button
Enable to reset broken tangent handles.
Select button
Enable to select multiple control points to translate, scale, or rotate all or part of the mesh.
Split button
Enable to add a vertex along the edge of a patch.
Copy button
Copies the selected mesh.
Paste button
Pastes the copied mesh.
Freehand button
Enable to perform intricate mesh modelling by clicking to create a freehand mesh.
Break button
Enable to break tangent handles.
Delete button
Enable to delete edges or vertices of the mesh.
Magnet button
Enable to use the Magnet tool to define the shape of the warped image.
Magnet Mode box
Select a transformation type to use when Magnet is enabled.
Magnet Curve Editor
Defines the weighted polarity from the centre to the edge of the magnet.
Magnet Curve Home button
Resets the position of the magnet curve after panning.
Magnet Curve Reset button
Resets the Magnet Curve Editor.
Magnet Curve Tools box
Select an option to modify the magnet curve.
Magnet Load button
Loads a custom magnet setup.
Magnet Save button
Saves a custom magnet setup.
Stabilizer button
Opens the Stabilizer menu to track movement in the clip to help in creating meshes.
Stabilizer Clip box
Select the clip to be loaded into the stabilizer.
Tracking Mode box
Select whether to track the axis or vertices of the clip.
Tracking Mesh box
Select whether to apply the tracking data to the source or destination mesh.