Painting on Full-Resolution Film Images

Use the Zoom Mode box to paint on a film resolution image at full resolution from a zoomed out perspective. With this feature, you can perform complex operations like full-frame rotoscoping without having to constantly zoom in and out from the image on which you are painting.

In the Paint menu, the Zoom Mode box shows the zoom mode in which you are working. This mode is set automatically. If you zoom out from the image, the Zoom mode automatically switches from Raster to Tiled. This allows you to paint on the image from a zoomed out perspective.

(a) Zoom Mode box  

Note: If you manually switch the zoom mode to Raster while zoomed out from the image, you will not be able to paint on it.

You can also manually select either Raster or Tiled mode if you want to override the default mode. In Raster mode, if you apply paint to the edge of the image while zoomed in, the paint is applied in an abruptly sharp straight edge along the border of the canvas; the brush stroke is not completed on the image. In Tiled mode, if you attempt the same operation, the paint is applied from the full diameter of the brush you are using to the area of the image that is not visible on the canvas.