Cutting Clips

You can split a clip into two or more clips using the Cut command. When you cut a clip, you can retain the cut frames as head and tail frames (handles) on each resulting clip, creating a soft clip, or you can discard the frames.

The Cut options are described as follows.

Select: To cut the clip:
After Selected Frame After the frame that you select when in Cut mode.
At Splices At every soft splice that occurs on the clip.
Every Nth Frame At the intervals that you specify in the numeric field that appears when you select this option.

To cut a clip after the selected frame:

  1. Select the frame after which you want to apply a cut.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Cut > After Selected Frame.

    The clip is divided into two cuts after the selected frame. The frames in the second clip are renumbered starting at frame number 00001.

To cut a clip at its splices:

  1. Select the clip on which you want to perform the cut operation.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Cut > At Each Splice.

    The clip is cut into segments at every splice point. If the clip contained no splices, no cuts are made.

To cut a clip at every Nth frame:

  1. Select the clip on which you want to perform the cut operation.
  2. From the contextual menu, select Cut > At (n) Frame.
  3. Enter the number of frames to be contained in each cut in the Frame Number field.

    The clip is cut into segments of the selected number of frames.