MediaHub Reference: Browsing for Files

The MediaHub consists of two panels: the browser and the MediaHub tabs. Use the browser to locate the files to import, or the location where to export your clips. Use the MediaHub tabs to set you media and sequence import options.

MediaHub Browser

The MediaHub file browser displays two sections:

General Tab

Cache Source Media button
Enable to create a managed copy of the media in the application storage; this copy is a transcoded version of the original media, using the Cached Media Compression Format as the transcode target. Disable to link to the media of the imported clip, without transcoding or copying the media.

Enabling Cache Source Media ensures that the application is the sole owner of the media, preventing the media from being modified by an external source. With Cache Source Media disabled, the application decodes the clip on-the-fly and there is no transcoding.

You can always change your mind after importing a clip: right-click the clip and select Media > Cache Source Media to transcode the media and copy it to your local storage. Right-click and select Media > Flush Source Media Cache to get rid of the transcoded copy and refer back to the original media.

Alpha Channel Processing box
Select how alpha channels of RGBA media is processed on import: discard alpha channel information, create a matte container for the clip and its alpha channel, or create an RGB clip and another clip for its matte.
Generate Proxies button
Enable to generate proxy media for imported clips.
Add Comp on Container button
Enable to activate the Comp effect on the matte container and enable matte transparency. Disable to mute the Comp effect.
Cached Media Compression Format field
Displays the compression format applied to clips imported with Cache Source Media enabled. Defined for the project, in the Cache and Renders tab of the Project dialogue box.

You access your project's settings in Flame > Project and User Settings.

Resolution Presets box
Select a resolution for the new clip. Select Custom to specify a non-standard resolution.
Fill box
Select a fit method to be applied to the selected clip.
Select: To fit:
Centre/Crop The source image, centred, over the destination resolution frame. If the source is larger than the destination, it is cropped. If the source is smaller than the destination, it is surrounded by a black border.
Crop Edges One edge of the source into the destination resolution frame without stretching or squashing the frame. Excess parts of the source frame after resizing are cropped.

If the source—after the one edge is resized—is wider than the destination, its overhanging left and right edges are cropped. If the source is taller than the destination, the upper and lower edges are cropped.

Fill The source, width, and height, into the destination resolution frame. This process, if the source and destination resolutions do not have the same aspect ratio, can distort the image.
Letterbox The source to the destination resolution frame without squashing or stretching it, and without cropping the source.

If the source is wider than the destination, black bars fill the top and bottom of the destination frame. If the source is narrower than the destination, black bars fill the right and left sides of the frame. In all cases, the entire source frame is fit into the destination frame.

Resize Filter box
Select the resize filter to apply to the clip; all but the Impulse filter are rendered using the GPU. This box does not appear if you select the Centre/Crop fit.
Select: For:
Lanczos Excellent and sharp results. Recommended for upscale and downscale. Expensive to compute.
Shannon Excellent and sharp results. Results are sharper than Lanczos in small details. Recommended for upscale and downscale. Expensive to compute.
Gaussian Medium quality and softer results.
Quadratic Medium quality and softer results.
Bicubic High-quality results, but not as sharp as Shannon. Use for both upscale and downscale.
Mitchell High-quality results, but not as sharp as Shannon. Use for both upscale and downscale.
Triangle Low quality results that are fast to compute. Use for downscale.
Impulse Very low quality results that are fast to compute. Use for downscale.
Width field
Displays the custom width resolution of the clip. Editable.
Height field
Displays the custom width resolution of the clip. Editable.
Aspect Ratio Presets box
Select a standard frame aspect ratio. Select the Set to w:h option to set the clip to use square pixels. Select Custom to define a custom frame aspect ratio in the Aspect Ratio field.
Aspect Ratio field
Displays the custom render/output aspect ratio. Editable
Bit Depth box
Select the render/output bit depth of clips.
Scan Mode box
Select the scan mode of clips.
Still Duration field
Specify a duration for stills, repeating the last frame as required. The result is the same as if you had trimmed out the stills in the Timeline to the specified duration.
Pixel Ratio box
Use From Source to import using the information specified by the file. Use Square Pixels to ignore the file specification and use the Width x Height ratio, when file metadata is not set correctly.
Use LUT button
Enable to apply the LUT or colour transform displayed in the Applied LUT field to the clip.
LUT Format box
Select the type of LUT or colour transform to apply to the clip.
Applied LUT field
Displays the type of conversion LUT applied to the clip, either imported using Import, or edited using Edit.
Conversion LUT Type box
Select a basic LUT type, EXR Display, PhotoMap, or Gamma correction.
LUT Editor Access button
Click to open the LUT editor.
Note: When importing content using the Use LUT options, the selected LUT or Colour Transform options become Preprocessing options that can be edited from the Timeline FX editor. In addition, these parameters are shared with Lustre when content is imported in Source Grading mode, or when no Timeline FX are applied to the timeline segment.

Format Specific Options

Show All Formats button
Disable to display only the format of the file selected in the MediaHub browser. Enable to view or edit import options for any of the available file formats.
File Format box
With Show All Formats disabled, File Format displays the format of the file selected in the browser; if more than one file is selected, File Format displays the formats of the selected files. With Show All Formats enabled, select the file format to view or edit its import options.
Options Category box
Select the set of options to view or edit.

AAF & XML Import Options

Media Options

Link to Files button
Enable to create a sequence with segments that link to the original media. Disable to import an unlinked sequence. If Search and Import Files is also enabled, the application first tries to relink to the media using the file paths, and then searches for what could not be relinked using only the file paths.
Preferred Media button
Select which one of either offline intermediates or original sources to import when both are found by the application. Only used when importing AAF sequences.
Consolidate on Import button
Enable to limit the handles to the amount specified in Maximum Handles. Disabled if Search and Import Files is enabled but the Match Criteria is not Tape-Source Timecode.
Maximum Handles field
Displays the maximum number of handles (head and tail) allowed for each event in the sequence. If the sequence also sets the amount of handles, the application imports the sources using the lowest number of handles set between Maximum Handles and the sequence. Editable.
Save Sources Separately button
Enable to import each source referred by the sequence, and to save them in a Sources folder.

Relative Search Options

Search and Import Files button
Enable to search and import the media listed in the sequence, using the selected Match Criteria options but not the file paths the sequence might contain. The media found is imported as segments of the sequence. If Link to Media Files is also enabled, the application first tries to relink to the media using the paths, and then searches for what could not be located.
Directories Up field
Use to expand the search to parent directories. The application searches for media to match by going down any folder structure, starting with the directory from where the sequence file is imported.
Note: When setting the Directories Up field, keep in mind that the application navigates through the whole directory structure. This means that the higher up you go in the folder structure, the longer the conform takes.
Match Criteria box
Opens the list of criteria used to identify the sources of the imported sequences.

Available Match Criteria

The name of the clip referenced by the sequence.
The filename specified in the sequence as a match criteria.
Source Timecode
The source timecode specified in the sequence as a match criteria. Enables Consolidate on Import.
The tape name specified in the sequence as a match criteria.
The starting SMPTE UMID in the sequence as a match criteria. This is only used with MXF files and is ignored in all other cases.
The resolution specified in the sequence as a match criteria. If this option is disabled, the Flame Premium applies a Resize FX to the media found to make it match the resolution specified in the imported sequence, if required.
Frame Rate
The frame rate specified in the sequence. Disable to disregard the frame rate; try slipping the clip and using a timewarp in the timeline after loading the timeline to correct any frame rate discrepancy.

Be careful when using the Use Frame Rate search option with FCP XML files, especially if the FCP sequence is using multiple frame rates. With Use Frame Rate enabled, Flame Premium uses the frame rate of the sequence's edits as a match criteria to relink to the correct sources: if the frame rate of the considered source is 24 fps while the edit is at 30 fps, that source is not a potential candidate. Whether or not Flame Premium relinks the considered source to the edit has nothing to do with the frame rate of the sequence.

But, if you are importing an FCP sequence, Flame Premium timewarps the edits so that they match the frame rate of the imported sequence. For example, an FCP sequence @60fps contains edits @50fps: Flame Premium timewarps the edits to 60 fps as it imports the sequence. Whether or not edits are relinked to their sources has nothing to do with this: if Use Frame Rate is enabled, Flame Premium only relinks the above edits if the sources are matching the edits' original frame rate, in this case 50fps.

EDL Import Options

Media Options

Link to Files button
Enable to create a sequence with segments that link to the original media. Disable to import an unlinked sequence. Only applies to DLEDL.
Consolidate on Import button
Enable to limit the handles to the amount specified in Maximum Handles. Only applies to DLEDL.
Maximum Handles field
Displays the maximum number of handles (head and tail) allowed for each event in the sequence. If the sequence also sets the amount of handles, the application imports the sources using the lowest number of handles set between Maximum Handles and the sequence. Editable. Only applies to DLEDL.
Save Sources Separately button
Enable to import each source referred by the sequence, and to save them in a Sources folder. Only applies to DLEDL.

EDL Options

EDL Frame Rate box
Select the frame rate applied to the imported EDL. Defaults to the project's.
EDL Conversion button
Enable to convert the EDL to another frame rate using the settings defined by the Conversion box.
Conversion box
Select the option that corresponds to the type of conversion that you want to apply to the EDL. The conversion scripts that appear in this list depend on the frame rate of the EDL you are loading.
Fix Timewarp Match Frames Errors button
Enable to fix match frame errors. When you import an EDL that contains dissolves or timewarps, a match frame error may occur. This can cause an unwanted cut at the point where the timewarp begins in your EDL. Match frame errors occur when the in point of the second edit in a dissolve is not the same timecode as the out point of the previous shot.
Pulldown Removal button
Enable to remove 2:3 pulldown when loading the EDL. The resulting sequence is @ 23.976 or 24 fps, depending on the setting of the Pulldown Original FCM box.
Pulldown Original FCM box
Select the Frame Code Mode that matches the EDL that you are loading. If you are loading multiple EDLs, the same mode is used for all of them.
Multi-Assemble button
Enable to assemble into one sequence multi-selected EDLs. In the imported sequence, each EDL will appear on a different video track, based on the selection order.

If you drag-and-drop a folder with multiple EDL, it creates either a single video track sequence or a single sequence with multiple video tracks, based on the Multi-Assemble option. With Multi-Assemble enabled, the alphabetical order defines the video track assigned to each EDL.

EDL Detection Mode button
Select Automatic Detection to let the application multiple EDL into a single sequence. Select Selection Order to construct a the sequence based on the selection order. Select Custom Grouping to build the sequence through an EDL assembly window.
Varicam button
Enable if the EDL is links to material with a Varicam. You must also select a frame rate from the Varicam Frame Rate box.


The Jobs tab displays ongoing and completed background processes. Use the Jobs tab to monitor the import and export processes.

Actions box
Select from the list an action to perform on the selected job.

When aborting the processing of a file sequence, frames already processed are retained. For example, if the Status column reads 20 of 44 when you click Abort, 20 of the 44 frames of the clip remain. Aborting a streaming file cancels the whole process, there is no partial processing.