To create a tooltip for the selected point of interest (POI)
You can create a tooltip for a selected POI and set the proximity distance for the tooltip to display.
Set the POI's proximity distance
Proximity distance controls how close the user must navigate to the desired POI in order for the tooltip to display.
to enter into drawing tools Edit Mode.
In the model, right-click the point of interest symbol to select it, then click
Click in right side of Proximity Distance to display the value entry field.
Enter a value specifying how close the user's cursor needs to be to the POI for the tooltip to display.
If you leave
Proximity Distance value blank (0), the tooltip appears only when the viewer hovers over it.
Properties uses the current Unit Configuration setting for units of measure. Change unit of measure setting in the
Application Options panel.
Create the Tooltip for the selected POI
In the Properties Palette, click in the Tooltip properties Value field to display the text entry field, then click the ellipsis dots to open the
Edit Tooltip window.
Enter Tooltip content.
You can enter tooltip text in the Value entry field, accepting default formats. Edit Tooltip allows extensive control of formatting and a preview function.
Create Tooltips for information on formatting Tooltip content.
Optionally, click
Preview to see what the Tooltip will look like. Click Return to Editor to revise or to finish creating tooltip.
Update in Properties Palette to activate tooltip content and proximity setting.
Note: If you set
Auto Update in Properties Palette, you do not need to open Properties Palette each time you make a change.