To create and run scripts from the Scripting Console

Create and run scripts using JavaScript to simplify workflows.

Click to open the Scripting Console.

  1. Load a JavaScript file to use.
  2. Save the current script.
  3. Click in the Scripting Area and type or paste in a script.
  4. Click to start the script.
  5. Reset the context of the script.
  6. Browse to a different location to evaluate the script in. This is the directory where the script will be run.
  7. If checked, message displays asking if you want to reset the context even if the reset changes the script runtime, resulting in losing local changes.
  8. If checked, the debugger window opens once a script is started.
  9. Script results are returned here.

Additional tips

To customize imported features during import and/or configuration, see To use scripts during import.