During a deployment installation, you can:
In Autodesk Inventor 2016 through Inventor 2012 there is one xml file that contains the Ribbon customization settings and the Customization settings.
What are the differences between the default Inventor Application Options Settings and the AutoCAD related settings?
Option 1: I would like to use the default Inventor settings.
The default Application Options settings are installed.
Option 2: I would like to use settings closely related to AutoCAD.
This option provides a similar feel to the AutoCAD product.
Option 3: I would like to import custom settings.
Imports customized Application Options settings from an xml file created in the Application Options dialog box.
How do I create custom Application Options settings?
You can manage your Application Options settings, by storing and applying settings as a named file. Application Options settings can be exported to an XML file, making them portable across computers and easily migrated to the next Autodesk Inventor release. Additionally, CAD Managers can use them to deploy a consistent set of user preferences for all users or specific groups.
To Export Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor LT Application Options
In Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8, the installation locations for both import and export operations is
Users\[login]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Inventor [version]\Preferences.
Exported application options can be imported on a per machine basis. Click the Import button in Step 2, then navigate to and select the exported xml file.
What is the difference between application options, customization, and ribbon customization settings?
Important Note regarding Customization settings and the Ribbon Customization settings
In Autodesk Inventor R2016, R2015, R2014, R2013 and R2012, there is one xml file that contains the Ribbon customization settings and the Customization settings.
The Ribbon customized settings are included in Customization settings for Autodesk Inventor 2015. If you are importing a Customization xml file that was exported from Autodesk Inventor R2015, R2014, R2013 or R2012, do not include a separate Ribbon customized XML from previous releases.
In the Autodesk Inventor 2016 installer you can import an xml Ribbon Customization file from releases R2011 and R2010 for use in R2016 ONLY if you are NOT importing an XML Customization file from the Inventor R2015, R2014, R2013 or R2012 release.
You can customize your work environment and then save your customized settings to an xml file.
What are the differences between the Customization Settings?
Option 1: I would like to use the default Inventor settings.
The default configuration of the product user interface is installed.
Option 2: I would like to import custom settings.
Imports customized work environment settings from an xml file created in the Customize dialog box. The Customize dialog box is accessed from the Tools tab and selecting Customize from the Options panel.
What do the Ribbon Customization Settings affect?
These options control the display of the Ribbon for versions prior to release 2012.
What are the differences between the Ribbon Customization Settings?
Option 1: I would like to use the default Inventor settings.
The default configuration of the ribbon user interface is installed.
Option 2: I would like to import custom settings.
Imports customized ribbon settings from versions prior to release 2012. The xml file is created from the Customize User Commands dialog box. Access the Customize User Commands dialog box by right-clicking in the ribbon and selecting Customize User Commands from the context menu.