Methods are function-like rules which take arguments. They are very similar to functions but are evaluated in the context of the part on which they are invoked. A method is typically used to replace a set of statements that occurs more than once in the design.
Methods differ from functions in that you define them inside a design, similar to rules. A method has the same syntax as a function; it can have parameters and it returns a value of a specific data type.
A method can take any number of parameters (see Parameters). Like functions and basic rules, a method’s statement block must contain at least one assignment to the Method’s name (optionally use the Return Statement).
Method fourth(inList As List) As Number
If length(inList) >= 4 Then
Return nth(4, inList)
Return NoValue
End If
End Method
Methods are typically referenced from rules in the same design. However you can use reference chain syntax to access a method from another design (same as to access a rule).
Rule val4 as Number = part2.fourth(numList)