Connects to the running COM server. If the COM server is running, and is acquired, then its IDispatch is returned. If the call succeeds, the object reference count of the COM server is incremented.
This is equivalent to the VB GetObject() call.
COM_connectRunningServer_ ( serverName As String, _
Optional reuseID As String = "", _
Optional onExitProperty As String = "", _
Optional autoRelease? As Boolean = True ) As User
Argument | Type | Description |
serverName | String | ProgID string . Examples of some ProgIDs are: "Excel.Application" "Inventor.Application" Please see the relevant documentation on the COM model for your specific COM server. |
reuseID | String | Optional; obsolete; default is "". |
onExitProperty | String | Optional; obsolete; default is "". |
autoRelease? | Boolean | Optional; if True this decrements the server's reference count when the COM server is released; default is True . |
Method getInventorVersion() As String
Dim inventor As User = COM_connectRunningServer_("Inventor.Application")
Dim softwareVersion As User = COM_getProperty_( inventor, "SoftwareVersion")
Dim displayName As String = COM_getProperty_( softwareVersion, "DisplayName")
COM_releaseDispatch_( inventor)
Return displayName
End Method
--> "2009 (Build 130236001, 236)"