Assembly Extrude Feature <IvAssemblyExtrudeFeature>


Assembly Extrude Features live as children of IvAssemblyDocument or IvComponentGroup. Assembly Extrude Features are specified through two major categories: Extrude Extent and Extrude Feature.

Extrude Extent:

Determines the origin and termination of the extrude feature, can be specified in one of four ways:
  • Distance - The extrusion terminates at a specific distance from the sketch plane.
  • From/To Face - The extrusion originates at a specified face and terminates at a specified face.
  • To Entity - The extrusion terminates at the specified entity.
  • Through All - The extrusion continues indefinitely.
Note: Only one extent should be specified.

Extrude Feature:

Specifies a sketch that represents the cross section of a feature. The factory part containing the sketch must be adopted into Intent. The sketch part must be a child of the assembly.

Also specifies positive or negative taper angle for extrusion, normal to the sketch plane.

The sketch plane and origin should be positioned using ordinary Intent assembly constraints.

More than one feature can be created from the same sketch. Multiple parts can share the same sketch.

Note: Sketches which have multiple profiles are not recommended. Intent will always select the default profile.




Name Type Description
participants any Optional. The list of participants to which the extrude feature is applied. If :AutoSelect, then all sibling parts are participants. Default value = :AutoSelect.
taper number Optional. Extrude taper angle. Default value = 0.
sketchName string Name of sketch.
sketchPart part Name of the part that contains sketchName.
extentDirection name (Applies to Through All and distance extent) Optional. Extrude direction. :Positive, :Negative, or :Symmetric. Default value = :Negative
distance number (Applies to distance extent) Optional. Extrude distance. Cannot be negative. Default value = 1.
toFace string (Required for From/To Face extent) Name of the termination face.
toFacePart part (Required for From/To Face extent) The part that contains toFace.
extendToFace? boolean (Applies to From/To Face extent) Optional. If true , extend toFace to fully include the extrusion. Default value = False .
fromFace string (Required for From/To Face extent) Name of origination face.
fromFacePart part (Required for From/To Face extent) The part that contains fromFace.
extendFromFace? boolean (Applies to From/To Face extent) Optional. If true , extend fromFace to fully include the extrusion. Default value = True .
toEntity string (Required for To Entity extent) Name of termination entity.
toEntityPart part (Required for To Entity extent) The part that contains toEntity.
throughAllType name (Required for Through All extent) A value of :ThroughAll specifies a extrusion that continues indefinitely.
NameFeatureGeometry? boolean Controls whether faces, edges, and vertices created by the feature will have names assigned to them for reference by other entities.

Assembly Feature Entity Naming

There is an automatic entity naming mechanism for IvAssemblyExtrudeFeature. The illustration shows the automatically-applied entity names as viewed in the Entity Naming Editor.

Example 1

This example shows a "Through-All" type of extrusion. Extrude_HalfCircle_1 is a sketch part used to define the extrude profile.

Name : AssemblyExtrude_Ex01
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Part1
Child Design : :Extrude_Part
Name Type Supplied
height number 20
length number 30
Child Name : Part2
Child Design : :Extrude_Part
Name Type Supplied
height number 12
length number 30
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Name Type Supplied
radius number 7.5
Child Name : IvAssemblyExtrude_1
Child Design : :IvAssemblyExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
sketchName string "sketch1"
extentDirection any :Negative
throughAllType name :throughAll

Example 2

This example shows an extrusion which terminates at a distance of 34 units. Extrude_HalfCircle_1 is a sketch part used to define the extrude profile.

Name : AssemblyExtrude_Ex02
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Part1
Child Design : :Extrude_Part
Name Type Supplied
height number 20
length number 30
Child Name : Part2
Child Design : :Extrude_Part
Name Type Supplied
height number 12
length number 30
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Name Type Supplied
radius number 7.5
Child Name : IvAssemblyExtrude_1
Child Design : :IvAssemblyExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
sketchName string "sketch1"
extentDirection any :Negative
distance number 34

Example 3

This example shows an extrusion which terminates at a workplane. Extrude_HalfCircle_1 is a sketch part used to define the extrude profile. The illustration shows a cutaway view that displays the profile of the extrusion.

Name : AssemblyExtrude_Ex03
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Part2
Child Design : :Extrude_Part
Name Type Supplied
height number 12
length number 30
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Name Type Supplied
radius number 7.5
Child Name : Work_Plane2
Child Design : :IvWorkPlane
Name Type Supplied
Name string "Work Plane2"
origin point Point(-34.67153233, -40.58394285, 0)
xAxis vector Vector(1, 0, 0)
yAxis vector Vector(0, 0.34202014, -0.93969262)
Child Name : IvAssemblyExtrude_1
Child Design : :IvAssemblyExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
toEntityPart part Me
toEntity string "Work Plane2"
extendToFace? boolean True