Since a common scenario is to have each new link be linked to the previous one, we can implement that behavior, too. We'll start by adding a lastLink rule to the parent design:
Design Chain : DynamicRuleReactorExampleRoot IvAssemblyDocument
Parameter Rule linkHoleDia As Number = 0.375
Parameter Rule linkThickness As Number = 0.250
Parameter Rule lastLink As Part = NoValue
End Design
Method preCreateSelf() As List
Dim result As List
result = {{:action, :createDynamicPart, _
:Part, Parent, _
:Name, uniqueName("smartPin"), _
:design, "smartPin", _
:link1, (If lastLink = NoValue Then "NoValue" Else MakeString(lastLink.partName)), _
:link2, MakeString(partName), _
:onRight?, stringValue(odd?(countPartsOfType(:link)))}, _
{:action, :createDynamicRule, _
:Part, Parent, _
:Name, :lastLink, _
:formula, MakeString(partName)}_
Return result
End Method
Now as we add links, they connect automatically and alternate sides:
Note that since lastLink is a dynamic rule, it is persisted across sessions.