Vault Operation <VaultOperation>


VaultOperation handles all Vault check-out, download, check-in, and status queries. VaultOperation is typically a child of a VaultConnection






Name Type Description
Connection part The VaultConnection Part , defaults to Parent
RefreshVaultAddin? boolean When True (the default) the Inventor Vault add-in status is refreshed after Check-in or Check-out operations to ensure it is up to date after operations.
LocalFiles list The list of local file names for the operation.
CheckInComment string The check-in comment, defaults to Checked in by Inventor ETO. From VaultCheckInOperationMixin
GenerateDwf? boolean When True , generates DWF file for the top level Inventor file on check-in; default is False . From VaultCheckInOperationMixin
GenerateDwfWithJobServer? boolean When True , generates DWF generation is scheduled as a job on the Vault Job Server instead of on the local machine immediately before check-in. Note that GenerateDwf? must also be True . Enable Job Server and Job Processor using Vault Explorer. OOnly available in Vault Workgroup, Collaboration, or Professional editions. Default is False . From VaultCheckInOperationMixin
GenerateDwfForAllFiles? boolean When True , generates DWF file for all children of the top level Inventor file on check-in; default is False . Note that GenerateDwf? must also be True . From VaultCheckInOperationMixin
CheckOutComment string The check-out comment, defaults to Checked out by Inventor ETO. From VaultCheckOutOperationMixin
DownloadLatestChildrenOnCheckIn? boolean Set this to True if you want to make sure that the latest versions of child files are downloaded before checking in an Inventor file. For more information, see the VaultInventorFilesDownloadLatest method. From VaultCheckOutOperationMixin


Name Type Description
Test list Tests the Vault operation with the supplied parameters by returning a list describing the Vault operation.


FilesExistInVault( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of whose length is equal to the localFileNames list argument. The returned list contains values of True if the file exists, False if it does not, or NoValue on an error when the optional ExceptionOnError? is False , and the position corresponds to the position of each file name in the localFileNames list .

VaultFilesCheckedOutStatus( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of lists whose length is equal to the localFileNames list argument, with each inner list corresponding to the file in the localFileNames list argument. If the file is checked out, the inner list contains details of the checked out status. If the file is not checked out, the inner list is empty ({}). If there is an error, and the optional exceptionOnError? argument is False , then the inner list contains NoValue .

VaultFileCheckedOutStatus( localFileName As String, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Similar to VaultFilesCheckedOutStatus() above, VaultFileCheckedOutStatus() takes a single file as an argument and returns the checked out status described as the inner list above.

VaultFilesIsLatestStatus( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of whose length is equal to the localFileNames list argument. The returned list contains values of True if the local file is the latest version, False if it is not, or NoValue on an error when the optional ExceptionOnError? is False . The position corresponds to the position of each file name in the localFileNames list .

VaultFilesDownloadLatest( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List 

Downloads the latest version of each file in the localFileNames list argument and returns the VaultFilesIsLatestStatus when complete to verify that the download operation is successful.

VaultFilesCheckIn( localFileNames As List, Optional refreshVaultAddin? As Boolean = True, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Checks in the files in the localFileNames list argument and returns a listof status information per file to verify the check-in. Each element in the list is of the type Autodesk.Intent.Vault.CheckinResult (or NoValue if there was an error). See the API documentation for details. The CheckIn rule contains code to convert the CheckinResult to a list containing only Intent values.

VaultFilesCheckOut( localFileNames As List, Optional refreshVaultAddin? As Boolean = True, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Checks out the files in the localFileNames list argument and returns a list of status information per file to verify the check-out. See the VaultFilesCheckedOutStatus method for a description of the returned list .

GetVaultPathNames( workingFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of Vault path names corresponding to the workingFileNames list argument.

GetWorkingPathNames( vaultFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of working file path names corresponding to the vaulrFileNames list argument.

VaultFindFiles( workingFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of Vault path names corresponding to the workingFileNames list argument. The workingFileNames list should not contain paths (folder information), but only file names.

VaultGetFilesProperties( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of lists with each inner list containing the vault file properties for each local file name in the localFileNames list argument.

VaultQueryMetaData( workingFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Returns a list of lists with the inner lists containing the metadata for the coresponding working file in the workingFileNames list argument.

VaultFindFilesNotAtLatestVersion( localFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As List

Checks each local file name in the list to see if it's the latest version and returns a list of those files that are not the latest version.

VaultInventorFilesDownloadLatest( topLevelFileName As String, localChildFileNames As List, Optional exceptionOnError? As Boolean = True) As Any

This only works in Inventor (or Inventor Server). It downloads the latest versions of localChildFileNames from the vault. Then the Inventor documents that are currently loaded are refreshed: the versions from the vault will replace the currently loaded versions. The top-level document (and any other modified documents) are then automatically updated and saved. You would usually get the localChildFileNames list from the VaultFindFilesNotAtLatestVersion method. The files in this list must be children (components or other associated files) under the topLevelFileName file. For Intent models, this method is most useful when member files have been generated locally instead of being retrieved from the Vault. Even if the design includes methods to get member files from the vault when the model is generated, some member files may not be available in the vault at that time. However, they might be added to the vault later (possibly by another user). So they now exist in the vault, and the locally generated files are seen by the vault as edited out of turn.