The first example shows the %%OpenCategories , %%CategoryOrder , %%DisplayName , %%Description , and %%Icon annotations.
<%%OpenCategories ("Stair Parameters"), _
%%CategoryOrder ("Stair Parameters, Materials, Computed Values"), _
%%DisplayName ("Spiral Staircase"), _
%%Description ("Basic spiral staircase design"), _
%%Icon (“Stair_1.ico”)> _
Design spiralStaircase : SpiralStaircaseRoot IvAssemblyDocument
The next example shows the %%PartEditorCategories and %%PartEditorRules annotations.
<%%DisplayName ("Standard Conveyor System"), _
%%CategoryOrder ("Item Dimensions,Item Dimension Overrides,Drive,Drive Spec,Conveyor"), _
%%PartEditorCategories ("{Conveyor}"), _
%%PartEditorRules ("{partLength, partWidth, partHeight, partWeight, partCenterOffset}"), _
Design StdConveyorSystem : ConveyorRoot BOMMixin CustomerMixin IvAssemblyDocument
%%PartEditorCategories specifies the categories to be displayed in the Part Editor. However, if you have also specified %%PartEditorRules , then those rule are also displayed, regardless of whether they belong to a category specified in %%PartEditorCategories .
The example below demonstrates the use of the %%EvalHelp , %%HelpFile , %%HelpId annotations.
<%%EvalHelp ("False"), _
%%HelpFile ("C:\Progra~1\Autodesk\Automa~1\Help\LanguageReference.chm"), _
%%HelpId ("WS1a9193826455f5ff-156c9aa7119d8906fde-6ea7.htm")> _
Design Test : TestRoot TestsMixin BasePart
The %%RootDesign annotation is shown below.
<%%DisplayName ("FRC"), _
%%RootDesign ("")> _
Design IntentGSGRoot
End Design
The %%Hidden annotation is shown below. When set to True , the design does not appear in the Design tree (in the Design Editor).
<%%Hidden ("True")> _
Design MyHiddenObject : IvAssemblyDocument