Sheet Metal Part <IvSheetMetalPart>


IvSheetMetalPart design represents extension of the IvAdoptedPart to support Sheet Metal Parts . See IvAdoptedPart help page for common Rules description. Sheet Metal parameters and rules are stored inside of Sheet Metal Styles. The corner-stone Parameter is Thickness that is a base for different formulas and tables.

Please find description of the rest of the Parameters on IvAdoptedPart help page.









Name Type Description
Thickness number Thickness of Sheet Metal Part . If this Parameter is NoValue , then default thickness of part is used (as per part file active sheet metal style). In some situations, Thickness parameter is a reference Inventor parameter, and thus is not controllable. Default: NoValue
ActiveSheetMetalStyle string Name of the active sheet metal style. Default: NoValue -- use the same Sheet Metal Style as in source part
UnfoldMethod string Name of the Unfold Method Style. Default: NoValue -- use the same Unfold Method as defined in part file
HasFlatPattern? boolean True , if a Flat Pattern should exist. If set to False , then existing Flat Pattern will be deleted. Default: True (adoption sets the flag based on the presence of the Flat Pattern in a part)
BaseFace string Base face to utilize during the Flat Pattern creation Default: "" (empty string). Adoption may assign the actual name, if any


Name Type Description
Thickness number Thickness of Sheet Metal Part. If this Parameter is NoValue , then default thickness of part is used (as per part file active sheet metal style). In some situations, Thickness parameter is a reference Inventor parameter, and thus is not controllable. Default: NoValue
ActiveSheetMetalStyle string Name of the active sheet metal style. Default: NoValue -- use the same Sheet Metal Style as in source part
UnfoldMethod string Name of the Unfold Method Style. Default: NoValue -- use the same Unfold Method as defined in part file
HasFlatPattern? boolean True , if a Flat Pattern should exist. If set to False , then existing Flat Pattern will be deleted. Default: True (adoption sets the flag based on the presence of the Flat Pattern in a part)
BaseFace string Base face to utilize during the Flat Pattern creation Default: "" (empty string). Adoption may assign the actual name, if any


FlatPatternLengths( useBottomFace? As Boolean, _
                    units As String ) As List 
Returns the list of Outer and Inner lengths of the Flat Pattern. * The bottom Face (or the opposite one) is used for calculations. * The Units string specifies the length units, for example "mm"
FlatPatternArea( useBottomFace? As Boolean, _
                 units As String ) As Number 
Returns the area of the Flat Pattern. * The bottom Face (or the opposite one) is used for calculations. * The Units string specifies the length units, for example "mm^2"
ExportFlatPattern( fileName As String, _
                   Optional formatStr As String = "FLAT PATTERN DXF?AcadVersion=R12" ) As Boolean
Exports a Flat Pattern into different file format.