Cylinder <IvCylinder>


Defines a right circular cylinder

IvCylinder instances can be positioned using constraints or by positioning their local coordinate system Frame . The behavior is selected by the ignorePosition? parameter, which if true (the default) selects constraint-based positioning.

IvCylinder's height can be defined alternatively by specifying top and bottom points , which form the centers of the respective faces. This in turn defines the axis of the cylinder. However, this positioning method requires ignorePosition? to be false .





Name Type Description
Radius number The radius of the cylinder. The default value is 1.0


Name Type Description
Axis vector A vector defining the axis of the cylinder. The default is UnitZ. This parameter only applies if ignorePosition? is false .
Closed? boolean If false , a cylindrical is created instead of a solid. The default is true .
Diameter number The Diameter of the cylinder. This is an alternative to radius. If not supplied, this value can still be evaluated as an attribute.
Height number The distance between the two ends of the cylinder. The default value is 1.0
bottomPoint point A point defining the bottom point of the cylinder. If not supplied, this value can still be evaluated as an attribute. This parameter only applies if ignorePosition? is false .
topPoint point A point defining the center of the top face of the cylinder. If not supplied, this value can still be evaluated as an attribute. The parameter only applies if ignorePosition? is false .