IvSketchArc creates an arc on a drawing sketch.
The ArcMixin design defines nearly all of the rules used by the IvSketchArc design. A typical way to define a sketch arc would be using a combination of center, radius, and startAngle/endAngle.
Name | Type | Description |
radius | number | (Required) Arc radius |
Name | Type | Description |
sketch | part | Identifies the sketch onto which to place the arc. Defaults to 'Parent'. |
layer | string | Specifies the layer style to use for the sketch arc. Defaults to empty string, and uses the "By Standard" style. |
center | point | Center of the circle defining the arc. |
startAngle | number | Angle between positive X-Axis and the starting point of the arc. The value may vary between 360° and -360°. |
endAngle | number | Angle between positive X-Axis and the starting point of the arc. The value may vary between 360° and -360°, but must not be greater than 'startAngle'. |
startVector | vector | Defines a vector from which startAngle and endAngle are measured. By default, this is the positive X-Axis (1,0,0). |
topdir | vector | Vector perpendicular to the plane of the arc (surface normal). |
diameter | number | Arc diameter. Can be given instead of Radius. |
tanArc1 | part | This parameter is used when the arc should be tangent to another arc. The parameters 'inside1' and 'onRight1' are used in combination, to get a unique definition of the resulting arc. |
tanArc2 | part | This parameter is used when the arc should be tangent to another arc. The parameters 'inside2' and 'onRight2' are used in combination, to get a unique definition of the resulting arc. |
tanLine1 | part | This parameter is used when the arc should be tangent to another line. The parameter 'onRight1' is used to get a unique definition of the resulting arc. |
tanLine2 | part | This parameter is used when the arc should be tangent to another line. The parameter 'onRight2' is used to get a unique definition of the resulting arc. |
thruPoint1, thruPoint2, thruPoint3 | point | Expects a point on the arc to be created. |
inside1 | boolean | Defines the side of 'tanArc1' where the arc should be placed. TRUE results in an arc inside of 'tanArc1'; FALSE results in an arc outside of 'tanArc1'. |
inside2 | boolean | Defines the side of 'tanArc2' where the arc should be placed. TRUE results in an arc inside of 'tanArc2'; FALSE results in an arc outside of 'tanArc2'. |
onRight1 | boolean | This parameter is used when the arc is defined using 'tanArc1' and 'tanArc2'. It defines the position of the arc center. An imaginary line between the centers of 'tanArc1' and 'tanArc2' is the basis. If 'onRight1' is TRUE , the center of the new arc is on the right side of the line; if 'onRight1' is FALSE the center of the new arc is on the left side of the line. The same parameter is used when the arc is defined using 'tanLine1'. If 'onRight1' is TRUE , the center of the new arc is on the right side of 'tanLine1'. To verify which side of the line is the right side, a vector from start to end point of the line needs to be considered. When the point is on the right side of the line, a vector from the start point of the line to the point in question has a negative angle with respect to the imaginary line vector . |
onRight2 | boolean | This parameter is used, when the arc is defined using 'tanLine2'. It defines the position of the arc center. If 'onRight2' is TRUE , the center of the new arc is on the right side of the line; if 'onRight1' is FALSE , the center of the new arc is on the left side of the line. To verify which side of the line is the right side, a vector from start to end point of the line needs to be considered. When the point is on the right side of the line, a vector from the start point of the line to the point in question has a negative angle with respect to the imaginary line vector . |
Name | Type | Description |
arcLength | number | Length of the arc from 'startAngle' to 'endAngle'. |
arc | number | Absolute angle of the arc between 'startAngle' and 'endAngle'. |
endPoint | point | Point at the end of the arc, defined by 'endAngle'. |
startPoint | point | Point at the start of the arc, defined by 'startAngle'. |
midPoint | point | Point on the arc in the middle between 'startAngle' and 'endAngle'. |
normal | vector | Surface normal of the arc. (this is always the Z-Axis of the local coordinate system) |
curveStartParam | number | Start parameter of the arc. Value of the parameter is 'startAngle'. |
curveStartParamName | name | Name of the start parameter of the arc. The value is 'startAngle'. |
curveEndParam | number | End parameter of the arc. Value of the parameter is 'endAngle'. |
curveEndParamName | name | Name of the start parameter of the arc. The value is 'endAngle'. |
curveClosed? | boolean | Is the arc closed? |
curveParamNearPoint( p as Point ) As Number
Angle of a point on the arc that is closest to the input point 'p'.