DWF Export <IvDWFExport>


Name Type Description
ComponentProperties? Boolean True, to publish all component properties,

Default: True

DesignViews List {}
TopPart Part Top level part. Document is exported to a DWF file.

Default: Root

EmptyProperties? Boolean True, to include empty properties.

Default: False

EnableMarkups? Boolean True, if markups capability enables.

Default: True

EnableMarkupsEdits? Boolean True, if markup editing capability enables.

Default: True

EnableMeasure? Boolean True, if measure capability enables.

Default: True

EnablePrinting? Boolean True, if printing capability enables.

Default: True

IncludePartsOnlyBOM? Boolean True, to include Parts Only BOM, if enabled.

Default: True

IncludeStructuredBOM? Boolean True, to include Structured BOM, if enabled.

Default: True

LaunchViewer? Boolean True, if Launch Viewer.

Default: False

MassProperties? Boolean True, to publish all mass properties.

Default: True

Password String Password, if non-empty string is provided.

Default: ""

PositionalRepresentations List {}
PublishMode Name Set of options.

Possible values:

  • :Express - minimal set of options
  • :Complete - maximal set of options
  • :Custom - customized options

Default: :Custom