Assembly Hole Feature <IvAssemblyHoleFeature>


Assembly Hole Features live as children of IvAssemblyDocument. Assembly Hole Features are specified through four major categories: Operation, Type, Placement, and Termination.

Hole Operation

Hole operation can be specified in one of four ways:

  • Drilled - A default hole without countersink, counterbore, or spotface. No parameters need to be specified.
  • Countersink - A conical hole cut into the hole face at the hole center.
  • Counterbore - A cylindrical hole cut into the hole face at the hole center.
  • Spotface - A cylindrical hole cut into the hole face at the hole center.
Note: Only one hole operation should be specified.

Hole Type

Hole type can be specified in one of three ways:

  • Simple - A hole with no thread.
  • Tapped - A tapped hole with parallel threading. The hole diameter is implicitly specified.
  • Tapered - A tapped hole with tapered threading. The hole diameter is implicitly specified.

A parallel thread or a tapered thread may be specified for a hole. Since the threading dimensions are taken from a library of thread types/classes/designations, the diameter of the hole will, in these cases, be implicitly specified. If a parallel or tapered thread is not specified, the diameter can be explicitly specified; otherwise, it will default to 0.5.

Hole Placement

Hole placement can be specified in one of four ways:

  • Linear - The placement of a hole on a face by its distance to two edges. A bias point that is in the same quadrant with respect to the two edges as the intended hole is required. This bias point must also lie on the face.
  • From Sketch - The placement of holes by hole center points on a sketch.
  • Concentric - The placement of a hole concentric with a circular edge or a cylindrical face.
  • On Point - The placement of a hole by a work point and an entity that specifies the hole axis.
Note: Only one hole placement should be specified.

In assembly holes, any named entity (e.g. face, edge, etc.) must have an accompanying part . For example, in linear placement for an assembly hole feature, one must specify both edge1 and its containing part edge1Part.

Hole Termination

Hole termination can be specified in one of three ways:

  • Blind - The hole terminates at a specific depth.
  • To - The hole terminates at the specified face.
  • Through All - The hole continues indefinitely.
Note: Only one termination type should be specified.





Name Type Description
participants any The list of participants to which the hole feature is applied. If :AutoSelect, then all sibling parts are participants. Default value = :AutoSelect.
diameter number Optional. The diameter of the hole. Default value = 0.5
face string (Required for linear and concentric placement) Name of planar face or work plane on which the hole is placed.
facePart part (Required for linear and concentric placement) The part that contains face.
edge1 string (Required for linear placement) Name of the first edge from which hole center position is dimensioned.
edge1Part part (Required for linear placement) The part that contains edge1.
distance1 number (Required for linear placement) Distance from edge1 to hole center.
edge2 string (Required for linear placement) Name of the second edge from which hole center position is dimensioned.
edge2Part part (Required for linear placement) The part that contains edge2.
distance2 number (Required for linear placement) Distance from edge2 to hole center.
biasPoint string (Required for linear placement) Name of a point on face to help locate the hole center.
biasPointPart part (Required for linear placement) The part that contains biasPoint.
concentricReference string (Required for concentric placement) Name of circular edge or cylindrical face by which to determine the hole center; the hole center will lie at the center point of the circular edge or along the axis of the cylindrical face. If a circular edge is specified, it must lie on a plane parallel to the plane of face. If a cylindrical face is specified, its axis must be perpendicular to the plane of face.
concentricReferencePart part (Required for concentric placement) The part that contains concentricReference.
centerPoint string (Required for point placement) Name of a Work Point that specifies the hole center.
centerPointPart part (Required for point placement) The part that contains centerPoint.
direction string (Required for point placement) Name of an entity that specifies the direction of the hole axis. This can be a planar face or a Work Plane with which the axis of the hole is perpendicular, or an edge or Work Axis with which the axis of the hole is parallel.
directionPart part (Required for point placement) The part that contains direction.
sketchName string (Required for sketch placement) Name of sketch.
sketchPart part (Required for sketch placement) the part that contains sketchName.
drilledType name (Applies to drilled operation) Optional. A value of Drilled or Drilled_default explicitly indicates a drilled operation. Default = Drilled_default.
csinkDiameter number (Required for countersink operation) The diameter of the countersink.
csinkAngle number (Required for countersink operation) The angle of the countersink in degrees.
cboreDiameter number (Required for counterbore operation) The diameter of the counterbore.
cboreDepth number (Required for counterbore operation) The depth of the counterbore.
spotFaceDiameter number (Required for spotface operation) The diameter of the spotface.
spotFaceDepth number (Required for spotface operation) The depth of the spotface.
threadDesignation string (Required for parallel and tapered thread) The thread designation (e.g. "M16x1.5", "M55x1.5"). See Thread.xls in the Inventor install directory for a complete listing.
threadClass string (Required for parallel thread) The thread class (e.g. "2B"). See Thread.xls in the Inventor install directory for a complete listing.
parallelThreadType string (Applies to parallel thread) Optional. The parallel thread type (e.g. ?ANSI Metric M Profile"). See Thread.xls in the Inventor install directory for a complete listing. Default value = "ANSI Unified Screw Threads".
fullDepthThread? boolean (Applies to parallel thread) Optional. If True , indicates that the thread goes the full extent of the hole. Default value = True .
threadDepth number (Applies to parallel thread) Optional. Ignored unless fullDepthThread? is True. Specifies the depth of the threading within the hole. Default value = 1.
rightHanded? boolean (Applies to parallel and tapered thread) Optional. If true , the threading is right-handed. If false , it is left-handed. Default value = True .
taperThreadType string (Applies to tapered thread) Optional. The taper thread type (e.g. ?NPT?). See Thread.xls in the Inventor install directory for a complete listing. Default value = "NPT".
depth number (Applies to distance termination) Optional. Hole depth. Default value = 1.
extentDirection name (Applies to distance or Through All termination) Optional. Hole direction. :Positive, :Negative. Default value = :Positive
flatBottom? boolean (Applies to distance termination) Optional. If true , hole bottom is flat. Default value = True .
bottomTipAngle number (Applies to distance termination) Optional. Ignored if flatBottom? is false . The angle of the hole bottom's drill tip. Default value = 118.
toFace string (Required for To Face termination) Name of the termination face.
toFacePart part Part that contains toFace.
extendToFace? boolean (Applies to ToFace termination) Optional. If true , extend toFace to fully include the hole.
throughAllType name (Required for Through All termination) :ThroughAll specifies a through hole.
NameFeatureGeometry? boolean Controls whether faces, edges, and vertices created by the feature will have names assigned to them for reference by other entities.

Assembly Feature Entity Naming

There is an automatic entity naming mechanism for IvAssemblyHoleFeature. The illustration shows the automatically-applied entity names as viewed in the Entity Naming Editor.

Example 1

This assembly hole feature uses linear placement (face, edge1, edge2, biasPoint, distance1, distance2) and explicitly specified diameter. The participants parameter specifies that the hole feature is only applied to Blk_Part1.

Name : AssemblyHole_Ex01
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Blk_Part1
Child Design : :Part1
Name Type Supplied
height number 20
length number 30
Child Name : Blk_Part2
Child Design : :Part2
Name Type Supplied
height number 12
length number 30
Child Name : simpleLinearHole
Child Design : IvAssemblyHoleFeature
Name Type Supplied
drilledType name :Drilled
face string "TopFace"
facePart part Blk_Part1
edge1 string "TopFrontEdge"
edge1Part part Blk_Part1
edge2 string "TopLeftEdge"
edge2Part part Blk_Part1
biasPoint string "v001"
biasPointPart part Blk_Part1
distance1 number 10
distance2 number 12
extentDirection name :Positive
diameter number 6
participants any {Blk_Part1}

Example 2

This assembly hole feature uses concentric placement (concentricReference and face), explicitly specified diameter, and drilled operation (drilledType). The hole feature is applied to all parts .

Name : AssemblyHole_Ex02
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Cyl_Part1
Child Design : :IvCylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 50
radius number 10
Child Name : Cyl_Part2
Child Design : :IvCylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 12
radius number 10
Child Name : simpleConcentricHole
Child Design : IvPartHoleFeature
Name Type Supplied
concentricReference string "eTop"
concentricReferencePart part Cyl_Part1
face string "fTop"
facePart part Cyl_Part1
diameter number 15
extentDirection name :Positive
drilledType name :Drilled

Example 3

This tapped assembly hole feature uses concentric placement (concentricReference and face), explicitly specified countersink diameter and angle, and parallel thread parameters (type, designation, and class).

Name : AssemblyHole_Ex03
Design : IvAssemblyDocument
Child Name : Cyl_Part1
Child Design : :IvCylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 50
radius number 10
Child Name : Cyl_Part2
Child Design : :IvCylinder
Name Type Supplied
height number 15
radius number 10
Child Name : tappedConcentricHole
Child Design : IvPartHoleFeature
Name Type Supplied
concentricReference string "eTop"
concentricReferencePart part Cyl_Part1
face string "fTop"
facePart part Cyl_Part1
csinkDiameter number 10
csinkAngle number 120
parallelThreadType string "ISO Metric Profile"
threadDesignation string "M6x1"
threadClass string "6H"
flatBottom? boolean False
bottomTipAngle number 120
depth number 72