A360_Cloud_Rendering : RendererClass

A360_Cloud_Rendering - superclass: RendererClass; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 14:7 - classID: #(862667290, 1464541674)

NEW in 3ds Max 2016: Exposes the A360 Cloud Renderer to MAXScript. It allows you to upload render tasks to the Autodesk Cloud for rendering.





<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.UserLoggedIn     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Returns True if the user is logged in, False if not logged in. Setting this value to True using MAXScript has no effect. Exposed by the Jobs Mixin Interface.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.RenderType     String    default: "image"   --  string

Gets/sets the state of the "Output Type" drop-down list as a string value. Possible values are:

Attempting to assign any other string value will cause a runtime error and will also print an error message to the MAXScript Listener listing the possible values.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.Quality     String    default: "draft"   --  string

Gets/sets the state of the "Render Quality" drop-down list as a string value. Possible values are:

Attempting to assign any other string value will cause a runtime error and will also print an error message to the MAXScript Listener listing the possible values.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.Width     Integer    default: 640   --  integer

Gets/sets the width of the render output in pixels.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.Height     Integer    default: 480   --  integer

Gets/sets the height of the render output in pixels.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.Exposure     String    default: "Advanced"   --  string

Gets/sets the state of the "Exposure" drop-down list as a string value. Possible values are:

Attempting to assign any other string value will cause a runtime error and will also print an error message to the MAXScript Listener listing the possible values.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.Format     String    default: "JPEG"   --  string

Gets/sets the File Format to render to as a string value. Possible values are:

Attempting to assign any other string value will cause a runtime error and will also print an error message to the MAXScript Listener listing the possible values.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.NotifyByEmail     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean; Notify_me_by_e_mail_when_complete

Gets/sets the state of the "Notify me by e-mail when complete" checkbox. When set to True, the logged in user will be notified by email when the job is completed using the email address from the user's registration. When set to False (default), no email notification will be sent.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.lastJobs     String    default: "[  ]"   --  string

Contains a string describing the last jobs of the logged in user.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.WaitingTime     Integer    default: -1   --  integer

Contains the waiting time in seconds.

Contains -1 when not logged in.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CheckPricePending     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Contains True when the price check is pending.

Contains False when not logged in, when the price check has not been initiated, or when the price check has finished.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CheckPriceReceived     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Contains True when the price has been received.

Contains False when not logged in or the price has not been received yet.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CreditsAvailable     Integer    default: -1   --  integer

Contains the number of available credits on the logged in user's account.

Contains -1 when not logged in.


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CreditsNeeded     Integer    default: -1   --  integer

Contains the number of credits needed to render the job.

Contains -1 when not logged in.


A360_Cloud_Rendering interfaces:

Interface: IMtlRender_Compability_Renderer


No properties exposed.



No methods exposed.



No actions exposed.


Interface: jobs


<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.lastJobs : string : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.UserLoggedIn : boolean : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CheckPricePending : boolean : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CheckPriceReceived : boolean : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CreditsNeeded : integer : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.CreditsAvailable : integer : Read|Write
<A360_Cloud_Rendering>.WaitingTime : integer : Read|Write



<string><A360_Cloud_Rendering>.QueryJobInfo <string>jobID

Returns information about the job with the specified ID.

The ID can be extracted from the .lastJobs string.



No actions exposed.



renderSceneDialog.close()--close the render dialog
renderers.current = a360 --assign the A360 renderer 
a360.UserLoggedIn --check if the user is logged in 
--Log in if not logged in yet:
if not a360.UserLoggedIn do Autodesk360.Login()
a360.UserLoggedIn    --check if the user is logged in now 
Autodesk360.getLoginUserName()--get the login name

renderers.target --check the target mode
renderers.target = "cloud" --set it to cloud rendering
renderSceneDialog.open() --re-open the render dialog

a360.RenderType = "image" --render image
a360.Quality  = "standard" --increase quality from draft to standard
a360.Exposure = "Native" --change the exposure from advanced do native
a360.Width = 1000
a360.Height = 750
a360.Format = "PNG" --set the format to Portable Network Graphics
a360.NotifyByEmail = true --send the user an email when done
a360.CreditsNeeded --see how many credits are needed
a360.CreditsAvailable --see how many credits are left
--If there are enough credits, submit the job to the A360 Cloud
if a360.CreditsNeeded <= a360.CreditsAvailable do max quick render
-->"[  ]"
--Filter the last jobs string to create an array of strings
theFilteredJobs = filterString  a360.lastJobs  ":[]{} \","
--Print information about the last jobs:
for i = 4 to theFilteredJobs.count by 4 do
  format "%\n" (a360.QueryJobInfo theFilteredJobs[i])