The following functions provide shorthand ways to construct NURBSCVSurface values that you can then add to a NURBSSet for creation in the scene.
This function generates a NURBS surface of revolution given an input curve, origin, up axis, and start and end angles. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
This is the NURBS curve that is revolved.
Specifies the origin of the revolution.
This is the axis that specified the up direction.
This is the start angle of the revolution in radians.
This is the end angle of the revolution in radians.
MakeNURBSSphereSurface <radius> <center> <north_axis> <ref_axis> <startU> <endU> <startV> <endV> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS sphere.
The output of this function is a NURBS Surface.
Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
The center point of origin of the sphere.
This specifies the up axis. Use (Point3 0 0 1) for the Z axis for example.
This is the direction of the seam. The sphere primitive uses (Point3 0 -1 0) as this value.
The northAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
The start angle for the sphere in the U direction, specified in radians.
The end angle for the sphere in the U direction, specified in radians.
The start angle for the sphere in the V direction, specified in radians.
The end angle for the sphere in the V direction, specified in radians.
If true , the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false .
MakeNURBSCylinderSurface <radius> <height> <origin> <sym_axis> <ref_axis> <start> <end> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS cylinder. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface.
Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
The axis of symmetry. The standard cylinder primitive specifies (Point3 0 0 1).
This is the direction of the seam. The standard cylinder primitive specifies (Point3 0 1 0).
The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
If true , the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false .
MakeNURBSConeSurface <radius1> <radius2> <height> <origin> <sym_axis> <ref_axis> <start> <end> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS cone surface. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
This is the direction of the seam.
The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
If true , the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false .
MakeNURBSTorusSurface <majorRad> <minorRad> <origin> <sym_axis> <ref_axis> <startU> <endU> <startV> <endV> [open:<boolean>]
This function generates a NURBS torus surface. The output of this function is a NURBS Surface. Note that this is a CV surface that matches the definition, not a relational surface.
This is the radius of the entire 'donut' shape.
The is the radius of the 'tube'.
This is the direction of the seam. The symAxis and refAxis must be perpendicular to one another.
The start angle of the torus in the U direction.
The end angle of the torus in the U direction.
The start angle of the torus in the V direction.
The end angle of the torus in the V direction.
If true , the surface is closed; otherwise the surface is not closed. Defaults to false .