You can load the Autodesk.Max.dll assembly to use the 3ds Max SDK from MAXScript. Add the following MAXScript code to your start-up scripts and use the MaxGlobal variable to access the 3ds Max SDK as shown in the following example.
fn loadAutodeskMax = ( local Assembly = dotNetClass "System.Reflection.Assembly" local maxroot = pathConfig.GetDir #maxroot Assembly.LoadFile (maxroot + "\\Autodesk.Max.dll") local GlobalInterface = dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface" global MaxGlobal = GlobalInterface.Instance ) loadAutodeskMax ()
See Autodesk.Max.dll for more information about the assembly.
You can execute MAXScript code using the ExecuteMAXScriptScript() global function. See the maxscript\maxscript.h header for more information. Also, see Calling MAXScript from C++.
You can output text to the MAXScript listener window as follows:
the_listener->edit_stream->wputs("Hello") the_listener->edit_stream->flush()