Setting Up the Parameter Block
Several of the controls used allow animated values. For example, the radius, and
segments parameters may be animated. The developer uses a parameter block to store
these values. The developer must define the parameter block descriptor which describes
the properties of each parameter.
This class is initialized by passing four values per parameter. These values are:
- ParamType type - The Parameter Type - The following are the types which may be used:
- TYPE_INT - Integers values.
- TYPE_FLOAT - Floating point values.
- TYPE_POINT3 - Point values.
- TYPE_RGBA - Color values - Red, Green, and Blue.
- TYPE_BOOL - Boolean values.
- TYPE_INT - Integers values.
- TYPE_FLOAT - Floating point values.
- TYPE_POINT3 - Point values.
- TYPE_RGBA - Color values - Red, Green, and Blue.
- TYPE_BOOL - Boolean values.
- UserType* user - This value is NOT USED - it must always be passed as NULL.
- BOOL animatable - This is a flag indicating if the parameter may be animated or not. Pass
TRUE if the value may be animated and FALSE if just a constant value should be stored.
- DWORD id - This is an ID assigned to each parameter. This is used for backwards compatibility
if you change the parameter block structure in the future. There is a mechanism that
allows older format parameter blocks to be converted to a newer format using these
IDs to match corresponding parameters between the new and old format. This is described
below under Backwards Compatibility.