Each plug-in must be linked to at least these two libraries: MAXUTIL.LIB and CORE.LIB. The following table describes the library files in the 3ds Max SDK:
Library File | Description |
assetmanagement.lib | Asset manager. See Declaring and Representing Assets. |
ATSCore.lib | Contains many classes that are required to interact with the Asset Tracking System (ATS). See IATSMax.h and IATSProvider.h. |
biped.lib | The library for the character studio biped. |
bmm.lib | Bitmap manager library. The image loader/saver plug-ins and the plug-ins that deal with bitmaps require this library. |
core.lib | Functions exported from 3ds Max. All plug-ins use this library, except for the MAXScript plug-ins that usually do not use this. |
crowd.lib | The library for the character studio's crowd functionality. |
CustDlg.lib | The library for the custom dialogs. |
DataBridge.lib | The plug-ins that use the Nitrous SDK to display must import this library. |
edmodel.lib | The NURBS library. |
expr.lib | Expression library. The plug-ins that use the mathematical expression parser (Expr) require this library. |
flt.lib | Filters library. The image filter plug-ins use this library. |
geom.lib | Geometry library. The procedural objects, modifiers, controllers, and utility plug-in use this library. |
gfx.lib | Graphics library. The plug-ins that use GraphicsWindow require this library. |
GraphicsDriver.lib | The plug-ins that use the Nitrous SDK to display must import this library. |
GraphicsUtility.lib | The plug-ins that use the Nitrous SDK to display must import this library. |
gup.lib | The library for the global utility plug-ins. |
IGame.lib | The library for the data exchange interface. |
imageViewers.lib | The Image viewer library. |
ManipSys.lib | The library that deals with the graphic manipulators. |
MaxGraphicsObjects.lib | The plug-ins that use TextureHandleUtility.h to create a Nitrous texture handle from texmap must import this library. |
maxnet.lib | The library used for the networking features. |
Maxscrpt.lib | The MAXScript plug-ins require this library. |
maxutil.lib | Utility library. All plug-ins use this library, except for the MAXScript plug-ins that usually do not use this. |
MenuMan.lib | The library for the menu manager. |
menus.lib | The menu library. |
mesh.lib | The mesh library. Plug-ins that use the Mesh class require this library. |
MNMath.lib | The Minnesota Math library. Plug-ins that use the MNMesh class and other related classes require this library. |
Paramblk2.lib | The Parameter Block 2 library. Plug-ins that use the parameter blocks require this library. |
particle.lib | Particles library. Plug-ins that relate to the particle systems require this library. |
particleflow.lib | The library for the particle flow. |
ParticleFlowTools.lib | The library for linking the legacy particle flow with the new particle flow extensions. |
physique.lib | The library for the character studio's physique. |
Poly.lib | The polygon mesh object library. |
PolyPaint.lib | A library for painting on meshes. The example code is available in \samples\mesh\PolyPaint. |
populate.lib | The populate feature library. Plug-ins that use IPopulate* classes require this library. |
RenderUtil.lib | The render utilities library. It implements the methods for the Quantizer and ColorPacker classes. |
rtmax.lib | Used for the real time rendering system. |
spring.lib | The spring controller library. |
tessint.lib | Tessellation library. Plug-ins that deal with the tessellation of the NURBS or patches use this library. |
viewfile.lib | This is the file viewer library used by the VIEWFILE.DLL. |
zlibdll.lib | The zlib compression library. |