
#ifndef _gpuCacheUtil_h_
#define _gpuCacheUtil_h_
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// Includes
#include <cassert>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVector.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatPoint.h>
#include <maya/MFloatPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MStringResource.h>
#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <map>
#include "gpuCacheSample.h"
#include "gpuCacheGeometry.h"
#include "gpuCacheMaterialNodes.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MStatAssert(status) assert(status)
#define MStatAssert(status) ((void)status)
namespace GPUCache {
// Check the visibility of a shape node
// including visibility plug and display layer
class ShapeVisibilityChecker
ShapeVisibilityChecker(const MObject& shapeNode)
: fShape(shapeNode)
bool isVisible()
// Check visibility plug
MPlug visibilityPlug = fShape.findPlug("visibility");
if (!visibilityPlug.asBool()) {
return false;
// Check display layer
MPlug drawOverridePlug = fShape.findPlug("drawOverride");
MPlugArray displayLayers;
drawOverridePlug.connectedTo(displayLayers, true, false);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < displayLayers.length(); i++) {
MObject displayLayerNode = displayLayers[i].node();
if (displayLayerNode.hasFn(MFn::kDisplayLayer)) {
// Found a display layer
MFnDependencyNode displayLayer(displayLayerNode);
visibilityPlug = displayLayer.findPlug("visibility");
if (!visibilityPlug.asBool()) {
return false;
return true;
// Forbidden and not implemented.
ShapeVisibilityChecker(const ShapeVisibilityChecker&);
const ShapeVisibilityChecker& operator=(const ShapeVisibilityChecker&);
MFnDagNode fShape;
// This class is used for generating wireframe indices.
template<class INDEX_TYPE>
class WireIndicesGenerator
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
WireIndicesGenerator(size_t numFaceCounts, const unsigned int* faceCounts,
size_t numFaceIndices, const index_type* faceIndices,
const index_type* mappedFaceIndices)
: fNumFaceCounts(numFaceCounts), fFaceCounts(faceCounts),
fNumFaceIndices(numFaceIndices), fFaceIndices(faceIndices),
void compute()
if (fNumFaceCounts == 0 || fNumFaceIndices == 0) {
// pre-allocate buffers for the worst case
size_t maxNumWires = fNumFaceIndices;
boost::unordered_set<WirePair, typename WirePair::Hash, typename WirePair::EqualTo>
wireSet(size_t(maxNumWires / 0.75f));
// insert all wires to the set
size_t polyIndex = 0;
size_t endOfPoly = fFaceCounts[polyIndex];
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNumFaceIndices; i++) {
// find the two vertices of the wireframe
// v1 and v2 (face indices before splitting vertices) are hashed to
// remove duplicated wireframe lines.
// mappedV1 and mappedV2 are the actual indices to remapped
// positions/normals/UVs
index_type v1, v2, mappedV1, mappedV2;
v1 = fFaceIndices[i];
mappedV1 = fMappedFaceIndices[i];
size_t v2Index;
if (i + 1 == endOfPoly) {
// wrap at the end of the polygon
v2Index = i + 1 - fFaceCounts[polyIndex];
if (++polyIndex < fNumFaceCounts) {
endOfPoly += fFaceCounts[polyIndex];
else {
v2Index = i + 1;
v2 = fFaceIndices[v2Index];
mappedV2 = fMappedFaceIndices[v2Index];
// insert
wireSet.insert(WirePair(v1, v2, mappedV1, mappedV2));
// the number of wireframes
size_t numWires = wireSet.size();
// allocate buffers for wireframe indices
boost::shared_array<index_type> wireIndices(new index_type[numWires * 2]);
size_t wireCount = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const WirePair& pair, wireSet) {
wireIndices[wireCount * 2 + 0] = pair.fMappedV1;
wireIndices[wireCount * 2 + 1] = pair.fMappedV2;
fNumWires = numWires;
fWireIndices = wireIndices;
size_t numWires() { return fNumWires; }
boost::shared_array<index_type>& wireIndices() { return fWireIndices; }
// Prohibited and not implemented.
WireIndicesGenerator(const WireIndicesGenerator&);
const WireIndicesGenerator& operator= (const WireIndicesGenerator&);
// This class represents an unordered pair for wireframe indices
struct WirePair
WirePair(index_type v1, index_type v2,
index_type mappedV1, index_type mappedV2)
: fV1(v1), fV2(v2), fMappedV1(mappedV1), fMappedV2(mappedV2)
struct Hash : std::unary_function<WirePair, std::size_t>
std::size_t operator()(const WirePair& pair) const
std::size_t seed = 0;
if (pair.fV1 < pair.fV2) {
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.fV1);
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.fV2);
else {
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.fV2);
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.fV1);
return seed;
struct EqualTo : std::binary_function<WirePair, WirePair, bool>
bool operator()(const WirePair& x, const WirePair& y) const
if (x.fV1 < x.fV2) {
if (y.fV1 < y.fV2) {
return (x.fV1 == y.fV1 && x.fV2 == y.fV2);
else {
return (x.fV1 == y.fV2 && x.fV2 == y.fV1);
else {
if (y.fV1 < y.fV2) {
return (x.fV2 == y.fV1 && x.fV1 == y.fV2);
else {
return (x.fV2 == y.fV2 && x.fV1 == y.fV1);
index_type fV1, fV2;
index_type fMappedV1, fMappedV2;
// Input
size_t fNumFaceCounts;
const unsigned int* fFaceCounts;
size_t fNumFaceIndices;
const index_type* fFaceIndices;
const index_type* fMappedFaceIndices;
// Output
size_t fNumWires;
boost::shared_array<index_type> fWireIndices;
// This class converts multi-indexed streams to single-indexed streams.
template<class INDEX_TYPE, size_t MAX_NUM_STREAMS = 16>
class MultiIndexedStreamsConverter
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
MultiIndexedStreamsConverter(size_t numFaceIndices, const index_type* faceIndices)
: fNumFaceIndices(numFaceIndices), fFaceIndices(faceIndices), fNumStreams(0),
// position stream
void addMultiIndexedStream(const index_type* indices)
// indices can be NULL, sequence 0,1,2,3,4,5... is assumed
fStreams[fNumStreams++] = indices;
assert(fNumStreams <= MAX_NUM_STREAMS);
void compute()
// pre-allocate buffers for the worst case
boost::shared_array<index_type> indicesRegion(
new index_type[fNumStreams * fNumFaceIndices]);
// the hash map to find unique combination of multi-indices
typedef boost::unordered_map<IndexTuple,size_t,typename IndexTuple::Hash,typename IndexTuple::EqualTo> IndicesMap;
IndicesMap indicesMap(size_t(fNumFaceIndices / 0.75f));
// fill the hash map with multi-indices
size_t vertexAttribIndex = 0; // index to the remapped vertex attribs
boost::shared_array<index_type> mappedFaceIndices(new index_type[fNumFaceIndices]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNumFaceIndices; i++) {
// find the location in the region to copy multi-indices
index_type* indices = &indicesRegion[i * fNumStreams];
// make a tuple consists of indices for positions, normals, UVs..
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fNumStreams; j++) {
indices[j] = fStreams[j] ? fStreams[j][i] : (index_type)i;
// try to insert the multi-indices tuple to the hash map
IndexTuple tuple(indices, fNumStreams, (unsigned int)i);
std::pair<typename IndicesMap::iterator,bool> ret = indicesMap.insert(std::make_pair(tuple, 0));
if (ret.second) {
// a success insert, allocate a vertex attrib index to the multi-index combination
ret.first->second = vertexAttribIndex++;
// remap face indices
mappedFaceIndices[i] = (index_type)ret.first->second;
// the number of unique combination is the size of vertex attrib arrays
size_t numVertex = vertexAttribIndex;
assert(vertexAttribIndex == indicesMap.size());
// allocate memory for the indices into faceIndices
boost::shared_array<unsigned int> vertAttribsIndices(new unsigned int[numVertex]);
// build the indices (how the new vertex maps to the poly vert)
BOOST_FOREACH(const typename IndicesMap::value_type& pair, indicesMap) {
vertAttribsIndices[pair.second] = pair.first.faceIndex();
fMappedFaceIndices = mappedFaceIndices;
fVertAttribsIndices = vertAttribsIndices;
fNumVertices = numVertex;
unsigned int numStreams() { return fNumStreams; }
size_t numVertices() { return fNumVertices; }
boost::shared_array<unsigned int>& vertAttribsIndices() { return fVertAttribsIndices; }
boost::shared_array<index_type>& mappedFaceIndices() { return fMappedFaceIndices; }
// Prohibited and not implemented.
MultiIndexedStreamsConverter(const MultiIndexedStreamsConverter&);
const MultiIndexedStreamsConverter& operator= (const MultiIndexedStreamsConverter&);
// This class represents a multi-index combination
class IndexTuple
IndexTuple(index_type* indices, unsigned int size, unsigned int faceIndex)
: fIndices(indices), fSize(size), fFaceIndex(faceIndex)
const index_type& operator[](unsigned int index) const
assert(index < fSize);
return fIndices[index];
unsigned int faceIndex() const
return fFaceIndex;
struct Hash : std::unary_function<IndexTuple, std::size_t>
std::size_t operator()(const IndexTuple& tuple) const
std::size_t seed = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tuple.fSize; i++) {
boost::hash_combine(seed, tuple.fIndices[i]);
return seed;
struct EqualTo : std::binary_function<IndexTuple, IndexTuple, bool>
bool operator()(const IndexTuple& x, const IndexTuple& y) const
if (x.fSize == y.fSize) {
return memcmp(x.fIndices, y.fIndices, sizeof(index_type) * x.fSize) == 0;
return false;
index_type* fIndices;
unsigned int fFaceIndex;
unsigned int fSize;
// Input
size_t fNumFaceIndices;
const index_type* fFaceIndices;
const index_type* fStreams[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
unsigned int fNumStreams;
// Output
size_t fNumVertices;
boost::shared_array<unsigned int> fVertAttribsIndices;
boost::shared_array<index_type> fMappedFaceIndices;
// This class drops indices for a vertex attrib
template<class INDEX_TYPE, size_t SIZE>
class IndicesDropper
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
IndicesDropper(const float* attribArray, const index_type* indexArray, size_t numVerts)
// map the indexed array to direct array
boost::shared_array<float> mappedAttribs(new float[numVerts * SIZE]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
mappedAttribs[i * SIZE + j] = attribArray[indexArray[i] * SIZE + j];
fMappedAttribs = mappedAttribs;
boost::shared_array<float>& mappedAttribs() { return fMappedAttribs; }
// Prohibited and not implemented.
IndicesDropper(const IndicesDropper&);
const IndicesDropper& operator= (const IndicesDropper&);
boost::shared_array<float> fMappedAttribs;
// This class remaps multi-indexed vertex attribs (drop indices).
template<class INDEX_TYPE, size_t MAX_NUM_STREAMS = 16>
class MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper(const index_type* faceIndices,
size_t numNewVertices, const unsigned int* vertAttribsIndices)
: fFaceIndices(faceIndices), fNumNewVertices(numNewVertices),
fVertAttribsIndices(vertAttribsIndices), fNumStreams(0)
void addMultiIndexedStream(const float* attribs, const index_type* indices, bool faceVarying, int stride)
fAttribs[fNumStreams] = attribs;
fIndices[fNumStreams] = indices;
fFaceVarying[fNumStreams] = faceVarying;
fStride[fNumStreams] = stride;
void compute()
// remap vertex attribs
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fNumStreams; i++) {
const float* attribs = fAttribs[i];
const index_type* indices = fIndices[i];
bool faceVarying = fFaceVarying[i];
int stride = fStride[i];
// allocate memory for remapped vertex attrib arrays
boost::shared_array<float> mappedVertAttrib(
new float[fNumNewVertices * stride]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < fNumNewVertices; j++) {
// new j-th vertices maps to polyVertIndex-th poly vert
unsigned int polyVertIndex = fVertAttribsIndices[j];
// if the scope is varying/vertex, need to convert poly vert
// index to vertex index
index_type pointOrPolyVertIndex = faceVarying ?
polyVertIndex : fFaceIndices[polyVertIndex];
// look up the vertex attrib index
index_type attribIndex = indices ?
indices[pointOrPolyVertIndex] : pointOrPolyVertIndex;
if (stride == 3) {
mappedVertAttrib[j * 3 + 0] = attribs[attribIndex * 3 + 0];
mappedVertAttrib[j * 3 + 1] = attribs[attribIndex * 3 + 1];
mappedVertAttrib[j * 3 + 2] = attribs[attribIndex * 3 + 2];
else if (stride == 2) {
mappedVertAttrib[j * 2 + 0] = attribs[attribIndex * 2 + 0];
mappedVertAttrib[j * 2 + 1] = attribs[attribIndex * 2 + 1];
else {
fMappedVertAttribs[i] = mappedVertAttrib;
boost::shared_array<float>& mappedVertAttribs(unsigned int index)
assert(index < fNumStreams);
return fMappedVertAttribs[index];
// Prohibited and not implemented.
MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper(const MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper&);
const MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper& operator= (const MultiIndexedStreamsRemapper&);
// Input
const index_type* fFaceIndices;
size_t fNumNewVertices;
const unsigned int* fVertAttribsIndices;
const float* fAttribs[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
const index_type* fIndices[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
bool fFaceVarying[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
int fStride[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
unsigned int fNumStreams;
// Output, NULL means no change
boost::shared_array<float> fMappedVertAttribs[MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
// This class triangulates polygons.
template<class INDEX_TYPE>
class PolyTriangulator
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
PolyTriangulator(size_t numFaceCounts, const unsigned int* faceCounts,
const index_type* faceIndices, bool faceIndicesCW,
const float* positions, const float* normals)
: fNumFaceCounts(numFaceCounts), fFaceCounts(faceCounts),
fFaceIndices(faceIndices), fFaceIndicesCW(faceIndicesCW),
fPositions(positions), fNormals(normals),
void compute()
// empty mesh
if (fNumFaceCounts == 0) {
// scan the polygons to estimate the buffer size
size_t maxPoints = 0; // the max number of vertices in one polygon
size_t totalTriangles = 0; // the number of triangles in the mesh
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNumFaceCounts; i++) {
size_t numPoints = fFaceCounts[i];
// ignore degenerate polygon
if (numPoints < 3) {
// max number of points in a polygon
maxPoints = std::max(numPoints, maxPoints);
// the number of triangles expected in the polygon
size_t numTriangles = numPoints - 2;
totalTriangles += numTriangles;
size_t maxTriangles = maxPoints - 2; // the max number of triangles in a polygon
// allocate buffers for the worst case
boost::shared_array<index_type> indices(new index_type[maxPoints]);
boost::shared_array<unsigned short> triangles(new unsigned short[maxTriangles * 3]);
boost::shared_array<float> aPosition(new float[maxPoints * 2]);
boost::shared_array<float> aNormal;
if (fNormals) {
aNormal.reset(new float[maxPoints * 3]);
boost::shared_array<index_type> triangleIndices(new index_type[totalTriangles * 3]);
// triangulate each polygon
size_t triangleCount = 0; // the triangles
for (size_t i = 0, polyVertOffset = 0; i < fNumFaceCounts; polyVertOffset += fFaceCounts[i], i++) {
size_t numPoints = fFaceCounts[i];
// ignore degenerate polygon
if (numPoints < 3) {
// no need to triangulate a triangle
if (numPoints == 3) {
if (fFaceIndicesCW) {
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 0] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 2];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 1] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 1];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 2] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 0];
else {
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 0] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 0];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 1] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 1];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 2] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + 2];
// 1) correct the polygon winding from CW to CCW
if (fFaceIndicesCW)
for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
size_t jCCW = numPoints - j - 1;
indices[j] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + jCCW];
else {
for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
indices[j] = fFaceIndices[polyVertOffset + j];
// 2) compute the face normal (Newell's Method)
MFloatVector faceNormal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
const float* thisPoint = &fPositions[indices[j] * 3];
const float* nextPoint = &fPositions[indices[(j + numPoints - 1) % numPoints] * 3];
faceNormal.x += (thisPoint[1] - nextPoint[1]) * (thisPoint[2] + nextPoint[2]);
faceNormal.y += (thisPoint[2] - nextPoint[2]) * (thisPoint[0] + nextPoint[0]);
faceNormal.z += (thisPoint[0] - nextPoint[0]) * (thisPoint[1] + nextPoint[1]);
// 3) project the vertices to 2d plane by faceNormal
float cosa, sina, cosb, sinb, cacb, sacb;
sinb = -sqrtf(faceNormal[0] * faceNormal[0] + faceNormal[1] * faceNormal[1]);
if (sinb < -1e-5) {
cosb = faceNormal[2];
sina = faceNormal[1] / sinb;
cosa = -faceNormal[0] / sinb;
cacb = cosa * cosb;
sacb = sina * cosb;
else {
cacb = 1.0f;
sacb = 0.0f;
sinb = 0.0f;
sina = 0.0f;
if (faceNormal[2] > 0.0f) {
cosa = 1.0f;
cosb = 1.0f;
else {
cosa = -1.0f;
cosb = -1.0f;
for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
const float* point = &fPositions[indices[j] * 3];
aPosition[j * 2 + 0] = cacb * point[0] - sacb * point[1] + sinb * point[2];
aPosition[j * 2 + 1] = sina * point[0] + cosa * point[1];
// 4) copy normals
if (fNormals) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
aNormal[j * 3 + 0] = fNormals[indices[j] * 3 + 0];
aNormal[j * 3 + 1] = fNormals[indices[j] * 3 + 1];
aNormal[j * 3 + 2] = fNormals[indices[j] * 3 + 2];
// 5) do triangulation
int numResultTriangles = 0;
(unsigned int)numPoints,
(unsigned int)numPoints,
fNormals != NULL,
if (numResultTriangles == int(numPoints - 2)) {
// triangulation success
for (size_t j = 0; j < size_t(numResultTriangles); j++) {
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 0] = indices[triangles[j * 3 + 0]];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 1] = indices[triangles[j * 3 + 1]];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 2] = indices[triangles[j * 3 + 2]];
else {
// triangulation failure, use the default triangulation
for (size_t j = 1; j < numPoints - 1; j++) {
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 0] = indices[0];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 1] = indices[j];
triangleIndices[triangleCount * 3 + 2] = indices[j + 1];
fNumTriangles = totalTriangles;
fTriangleIndices = triangleIndices;
size_t numTriangles() { return fNumTriangles; }
boost::shared_array<index_type>& triangleIndices() { return fTriangleIndices; }
// Prohibited and not implemented.
PolyTriangulator(const PolyTriangulator&);
const PolyTriangulator& operator= (const PolyTriangulator&);
// Input
size_t fNumFaceCounts;
const unsigned int* fFaceCounts;
const index_type* fFaceIndices;
bool fFaceIndicesCW;
const float* fPositions;
const float* fNormals;
// Output
size_t fNumTriangles;
boost::shared_array<index_type> fTriangleIndices;
// This class extracts mesh information from Maya mesh
template<class INDEX_TYPE>
class MayaMeshExtractor
typedef INDEX_TYPE index_type;
MayaMeshExtractor(const MObject& meshObj)
: fPolyMesh(meshObj), fWantUVs(true)
void setWantUVs(bool wantUVs) { fWantUVs = wantUVs; }
void compute()
MStatus status;
bool needTriangulate = false;
// Topology
size_t numFaceCounts;
boost::shared_array<unsigned int> faceCounts;
size_t numFaceIndices;
boost::shared_array<index_type> faceIndices;
MIntArray mayaVertexCount, mayaVertexList;
status = fPolyMesh.getVertices(mayaVertexCount, mayaVertexList);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
// Copy Maya arrays
numFaceCounts = mayaVertexCount.length();
const int* srcVertexCount = &mayaVertexCount[0];
faceCounts.reset(new unsigned int[numFaceCounts]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numFaceCounts; i++) {
faceCounts[i] = srcVertexCount[i];
if (faceCounts[i] != 3) needTriangulate = true;
numFaceIndices = mayaVertexList.length();
const int* srcVertexList = &mayaVertexList[0];
faceIndices.reset(new index_type[numFaceIndices]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numFaceIndices; i++) {
faceIndices[i] = srcVertexList[i];
// Positions
boost::shared_array<float> positions;
MFloatPointArray mayaPositions;
status = fPolyMesh.getPoints(mayaPositions);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
// Allocate memory for positions
unsigned int numPositions = mayaPositions.length();
positions.reset(new float[numPositions * 3]);
// just copy the positions to shared_array
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) {
MFloatPoint& point = mayaPositions[i];
positions[i * 3 + 0] = point.x;
positions[i * 3 + 1] = point.y;
positions[i * 3 + 2] = point.z;
// Normals
boost::shared_array<float> normals;
boost::shared_array<index_type> normalIndices;
MFloatVectorArray mayaNormals;
status = fPolyMesh.getNormals(mayaNormals);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
MIntArray mayaNormalIdCounts, mayaNormalIds;
status = fPolyMesh.getNormalIds(mayaNormalIdCounts, mayaNormalIds);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
// Allocate memory for normals
unsigned int numNormals = mayaNormals.length();
unsigned int numNormalIds = mayaNormalIds.length();
normals.reset(new float[numNormals * 3]);
normalIndices.reset(new index_type[numNormalIds]);
// just copy the normals and normalIds to shared_array
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNormals; i++) {
MFloatVector& normal = mayaNormals[i];
normals[i * 3 + 0] = normal.x;
normals[i * 3 + 1] = normal.y;
normals[i * 3 + 2] = normal.z;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNormalIds; i++) {
normalIndices[i] = mayaNormalIds[i];
// UVs
boost::shared_array<float> UVs;
boost::shared_array<index_type> uvIndices;
if (fWantUVs) {
MFloatArray mayaUArray, mayaVArray;
status = fPolyMesh.getUVs(mayaUArray, mayaVArray);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
MIntArray mayaUVCounts, mayaUVIds;
status = fPolyMesh.getAssignedUVs(mayaUVCounts, mayaUVIds);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
// Allocate memory for normals
unsigned int numUVs = mayaUArray.length();
unsigned int numUVIds = mayaUVIds.length();
if (numUVs > 0 && numUVIds > 0) {
UVs.reset(new float[numUVs * 2]);
uvIndices.reset(new index_type[numUVIds]);
// just copy the UVs and uvIds to shared_array
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numUVs; i++) {
UVs[i * 2 + 0] = mayaUArray[i];
UVs[i * 2 + 1] = mayaVArray[i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numUVIds; i++) {
uvIndices[i] = mayaUVIds[i];
// Convert multi-indexed streams
size_t numVertices = 0;
boost::shared_array<index_type> mappedFaceIndices;
boost::shared_array<unsigned int> vertAttribsIndices;
converter(numFaceIndices, faceIndices.get());
if (fWantUVs && uvIndices) {
numVertices = converter.numVertices();
mappedFaceIndices = converter.mappedFaceIndices();
vertAttribsIndices = converter.vertAttribsIndices();
// Remap vertex streams
boost::shared_array<float> mappedPositions;
boost::shared_array<float> mappedNormals;
boost::shared_array<float> mappedUVs;
remapper(faceIndices.get(), numVertices, vertAttribsIndices.get());
remapper.addMultiIndexedStream(positions.get(), NULL, false, 3);
remapper.addMultiIndexedStream(normals.get(), normalIndices.get(), true, 3);
if (fWantUVs && UVs && uvIndices) {
remapper.addMultiIndexedStream(UVs.get(), uvIndices.get(), true, 2);
mappedPositions = remapper.mappedVertAttribs(0);
mappedNormals = remapper.mappedVertAttribs(1);
if (fWantUVs && UVs && uvIndices) {
mappedUVs = remapper.mappedVertAttribs(2);
// Wireframe indices
size_t numWires = 0;
boost::shared_array<index_type> wireIndices;
WireIndicesGenerator<index_type> wireIndicesGenerator(
numFaceCounts, faceCounts.get(),
numFaceIndices, faceIndices.get(),
numWires = wireIndicesGenerator.numWires();
wireIndices = wireIndicesGenerator.wireIndices();
// Triangle indices
size_t numTriangles = 0;
boost::shared_array<index_type> triangleIndices;
if (needTriangulate) {
PolyTriangulator<index_type> polyTriangulator(
numFaceCounts, faceCounts.get(),
mappedFaceIndices.get(), false,
mappedPositions.get(), mappedNormals.get());
numTriangles = polyTriangulator.numTriangles();
triangleIndices = polyTriangulator.triangleIndices();
else {
assert(numFaceIndices % 3 == 0);
numTriangles = numFaceIndices / 3;
triangleIndices = mappedFaceIndices;
// done
fWireIndices = SharedArray<index_type>::create(
wireIndices, numWires * 2);
fTriangleIndices = SharedArray<index_type>::create(
triangleIndices, numTriangles * 3);
fPositions = SharedArray<float>::create(
mappedPositions, numVertices * 3);
fNormals = SharedArray<float>::create(
mappedNormals, numVertices * 3);
if (fWantUVs && mappedUVs) {
fUVs = SharedArray<float>::create(
mappedUVs, numVertices * 2);
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<index_type> >& triangleIndices()
{ return fTriangleIndices; }
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<index_type> >& wireIndices()
{ return fWireIndices; }
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> >& positions()
{ return fPositions; }
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> >& normals()
{ return fNormals; }
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> >& uvs()
{ return fUVs; }
// Prohibited and not implemented.
MayaMeshExtractor(const MayaMeshExtractor&);
const MayaMeshExtractor& operator= (const MayaMeshExtractor&);
// Input
MFnMesh fPolyMesh;
bool fWantUVs;
// Output
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<index_type> > fTriangleIndices;
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<index_type> > fWireIndices;
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> > fPositions;
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> > fNormals;
boost::shared_ptr<ReadableArray<float> > fUVs;
// This class is used to update the TransparentPruneType of Xform sub nodes.
// Once a bounding box place holder sub node is loaded, its sample map and
// TransparentPruneType is updated to reflect the real geometry.
// It needs to update all the parent sub nodes' TransparentPruneType.
class SubNodeTransparentTypeVisitor : public SubNodeVisitor
SubNodeTransparentTypeVisitor() {}
virtual ~SubNodeTransparentTypeVisitor() {}
virtual void visit(const XformData& xform,
const SubNode& subNode)
// The transparent type is unknown at first
// Recursive into children
BOOST_FOREACH (const SubNode::Ptr& child, subNode.getChildren()) {
// Update the transparent type of this xform sub node
virtual void visit(const ShapeData& shape,
const SubNode& subNode)
// Update all parents' transparent type
for (size_t i = 0; i < fTransparentTypes.size(); i++) {
if (fTransparentTypes[i] == SubNode::kUnknown) {
// Parent transparent type is unknown, use this type
fTransparentTypes[i] = subNode.transparentType();
else {
// Parent transparent type is different, use opaque and transparent
if (fTransparentTypes[i] != subNode.transparentType()) {
fTransparentTypes[i] = SubNode::kOpaqueAndTransparent;
std::vector<SubNode::TransparentType> fTransparentTypes;
// This class returns the top-level bounding box of a sub-node hierarchy.
class BoundingBoxVisitor : public SubNodeVisitor
BoundingBoxVisitor(double timeInSeconds)
: fTimeInSeconds(timeInSeconds)
virtual ~BoundingBoxVisitor() {}
// Returns the current bounding box.
const MBoundingBox& boundingBox() const
{ return fBoundingBox; }
// Get the bounding box from a xform node.
virtual void visit(const XformData& xform,
const SubNode& subNode)
const boost::shared_ptr<const XformSample>& sample =
if (sample) {
fBoundingBox = sample->boundingBox();
// Get the bounding box from a shape node.
virtual void visit(const ShapeData& shape,
const SubNode& subNode)
const boost::shared_ptr<const ShapeSample>& sample =
if (sample) {
fBoundingBox = sample->boundingBox();
// Helper method to get the bounding box in one line.
static MBoundingBox boundingBox(const SubNode::Ptr& subNode,
const double timeInSeconds)
if (subNode) {
BoundingBoxVisitor visitor(timeInSeconds);
return visitor.boundingBox();
return MBoundingBox();
const double fTimeInSeconds;
MBoundingBox fBoundingBox;
// Extract the shape geometry paths
class ShapePathVisitor : public SubNodeVisitor
typedef std::pair<MString,const SubNode*> ShapePathAndSubNode;
typedef std::vector<ShapePathAndSubNode> ShapePathAndSubNodeList;
ShapePathVisitor(ShapePathAndSubNodeList& shapePaths)
: fShapePaths(shapePaths)
virtual ~ShapePathVisitor()
virtual void visit(const XformData& xform,
const SubNode& subNode)
// Remember this xform name
bool isTop = subNode.getName() == "|";
if (!isTop) fCurrentPath.push_back(subNode.getName());
// Recursive into children
BOOST_FOREACH (const SubNode::Ptr& child, subNode.getChildren()) {
if (!isTop) fCurrentPath.pop_back();
virtual void visit(const ShapeData& shape,
const SubNode& subNode)
// Construct geometry path
MString path;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fCurrentPath.size(); i++) {
path += "|";
path += fCurrentPath[i];
path += "|";
path += subNode.getName();
std::make_pair(path, &subNode));
ShapePathAndSubNodeList& fShapePaths;
std::vector<MString> fCurrentPath;
inline bool ReplaceSubNodeData(const SubNode::Ptr& top, const SubNode::Ptr& node, const MString& path)
// Split the geometry path into steps
MStringArray steps;
path.split('|', steps);
// Invalid path
if (steps.length() == 0) return false;
// Find the first step
SubNode::Ptr firstNode;
if (top->getName() == "|") {
// Dummy top node case
BOOST_FOREACH (const SubNode::Ptr& child, top->getChildren()) {
if (child->getName() == steps[0]) {
firstNode = child;
else {
if (top->getName() == steps[0]) {
firstNode = top;
// Can't find the first sub node
if (!firstNode) return false;
// Find the sub node by stepping through the path
SubNode::Ptr current = firstNode;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < steps.length(); i++) {
bool found = false;
BOOST_FOREACH (const SubNode::Ptr& child, current->getChildren()) {
if (child->getName() == steps[i]) {
current = child;
found = true;
// Not found
if (!found) return false;
// Found a sub node
// Cast to mutable pointer.
// Currently, this is the only exception that we need to change
// sub node (actually sub node data) outside reader.
SubNode::MPtr mCurrent = boost::const_pointer_cast<SubNode>(current);
SubNode::MPtr mNode = boost::const_pointer_cast<SubNode>(node);
SubNode::swapNodeData(mCurrent, mNode);
return true;
// This function will validate a geom path given a SubNode hierarchy.
// It will return true if the given geom path was valid, false otherwise.
// Additionally, it will return the closest valid path.
inline bool ValidateGeomPath(const SubNode::Ptr& top, const MString& geomPath, MString& validatedGeomPath)
if( !top )
validatedGeomPath = MString("|");
return false;
// path: |xform1|xform2|meshShape
MStringArray pathArray;
geomPath.split('|', pathArray);
bool valid = true;
// find the mesh in Alembic archive
validatedGeomPath = MString();
SubNode::Ptr current = top;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pathArray.length(); i++ )
MString step = pathArray[i];
bool foundChild = false;
const std::vector<SubNode::Ptr>& children = current->getChildren();
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++ )
if( children[j]->getName() == step )
current = children[j];
foundChild = true;
if( !foundChild )
valid = false;
validatedGeomPath += MString("|");
validatedGeomPath += step;
if (validatedGeomPath.length() == 0) {
validatedGeomPath = MString("|");
return valid;
// This function will return a SubNode hierarchy given an existing SubNode hierarchy and
// geom path. The geom path will be validated and this function will return both the
// closest valid path and the associated SubNode hierarchy.
// This function will return true if a valid SubNode hierarchy was returned, false otherwise.
inline bool CreateSubNodeHierarchy(const SubNode::Ptr& top, const MString& geomPath, MString& validatedGeomPath, SubNode::Ptr& out)
if( !top )
return false;
// Validate the geomPath
ValidateGeomPath( top, geomPath, validatedGeomPath );
// path: |xform1|xform2|meshShape
MStringArray pathArray;
validatedGeomPath.split('|', pathArray);
if( pathArray.length() == 0 )
// Early exit, geomPath is either empty or "|".
out = top;
// We have a geom path to consider. Generate a new SubNode hierarchy.
// In this case, we must duplicate SubNodes since up until the last step along
// the geomPath, the children will differ.
// For example, let's say we have the following scene hierarchy:
// |group1|pSphere1|pSphereShape1
// |group1|pCube1|pCubeShape1
// The geomPath is: |group1|pCube1
// We cannot simply reference the same SubNode::Ptr for |group1, as that
// SubNode contains child SubNodes for pSphere1 and pCube1. Thus, we need
// to duplicate the SubNode and only reference the children of interest.
// We only need to duplicate the SubNode hierarchy up until the last path step.
// For the last path step we can simply reference the same SubNode::Ptr since
// we know that we want the same hierarchy under that node.
SubNode::MPtr copyTop = SubNode::create( top->getName(), top->getData() );
copyTop->setTransparentType( top->transparentType() );
SubNode::MPtr copyCurrent = copyTop;
// Walk the hierarchy and copy data.
SubNode::Ptr current = top;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pathArray.length(); i++ )
MString step = pathArray[i];
const std::vector<SubNode::Ptr>& children = current->getChildren();
bool foundChild = false;
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++ )
if( children[j]->getName() == step )
current = children[j];
foundChild = true;
SubNode::MPtr copyChild;
if( i+1 < pathArray.length() )
copyChild = SubNode::create( current->getName(), current->getData() );
copyChild->setTransparentType( current->transparentType() );
// For the last path step, we can reuse the same SubNode::Ptr - no need to copy.
copyChild = boost::const_pointer_cast<SubNode>(current);
SubNode::connect(copyCurrent, copyChild);
copyCurrent = copyChild;
out = copyTop;
return true;
* CLASS InstanceMaterialLookup
// Find the connect shading groups and surface materials by tracking connections.
class InstanceMaterialLookup : boost::noncopyable
InstanceMaterialLookup(const MDagPath& dagPath);
// Whole object material assignment.
bool hasWholeObjectMaterial();
MObject findWholeObjectShadingGroup();
MObject findWholeObjectSurfaceMaterial();
// Per-face or Per-patch material assignment.
bool hasComponentMaterials();
bool findShadingGroups(std::vector<MObject>& shadingGroups);
bool findSurfaceMaterials(std::vector<MObject>& surfaceMaterials);
// Find instObjGroups[instanceNumber] plug.
static MPlug findInstObjGroupsPlug(const MDagPath& dagPath);
static MObject findShadingGroupByPlug(const MPlug& srcPlug);
static MObject findSurfaceMaterialByShadingGroup(const MObject& shadingGroup);
static void findObjectGroupsPlug(const MPlug& iogPlug, std::vector<MPlug>& ogPlugs);
const MPlug fInstObjGroupsPlug;
* CLASS ShadedModeColor
// This class evaluates the material property values of a material node.
// The value is expected to be the same as viewport's shaded mode.
class ShadedModeColor : boost::noncopyable
static bool evaluateBool(const MaterialProperty::Ptr& prop,
double timeInSeconds);
static float evaluateFloat(const MaterialProperty::Ptr& prop,
double timeInSeconds);
static MColor evaluateDefaultColor(const MaterialProperty::Ptr& prop,
double timeInSeconds);
static MColor evaluateColor(const MaterialProperty::Ptr& prop,
double timeInSeconds);
inline MString EncodeString(const MString& msg)
MString encodedMsg;
unsigned int length = msg.numChars();
const wchar_t* buffer = msg.asWChar();
std::wstringstream stream;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
wchar_t ch = buffer[i];
switch (ch) {
case '\n': stream << L"\\n"; continue;
case '\t': stream << L"\\t"; continue;
case '\b': stream << L"\\b"; continue;
case '\r': stream << L"\\r"; continue;
case '\f': stream << L"\\f"; continue;
case '\v': stream << L"\\v"; continue;
case '\a': stream << L"\\a"; continue;
case '\\': stream << L"\\\\"; continue;
case '\"': stream << L"\\\""; continue;
case '\'': stream << L"\\\'"; continue;
stream << ch;
std::wstring str = stream.str();
return MString(str.c_str());
inline void DisplayError(const MString& msg)
// This is the threadsafe version of MGlobal::displayError()
MGlobal::executeCommandOnIdle("error \"" + EncodeString(msg) + "\"");
inline void DisplayError(const MStringResourceId& id)
// Threadsafe displayError() bundled with MStringResourceId
MStatus stat;
inline void DisplayError(const MStringResourceId& id,
const MString& arg1,
const MString& arg2 = MString(""),
const MString& arg3 = MString(""),
const MString& arg4 = MString(""),
const MString& arg5 = MString(""),
const MString& arg6 = MString(""),
const MString& arg7 = MString(""),
const MString& arg8 = MString(""),
const MString& arg9 = MString(""))
// Threadsafe displayError() bundled with MStringResourceId and format
MStatus stat;
MString format = MStringResource::getString(id, stat);
MString msg;
msg.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
inline void DisplayWarning(const MString& msg)
// This is the threadsafe version of MGlobal::displayWarning()
MGlobal::executeCommandOnIdle("warning \"" + EncodeString(msg) + "\"");
inline void DisplayWarning(const MStringResourceId& id)
// Threadsafe displayWarning() bundled with MStringResourceId
MStatus stat;
inline void DisplayWarning(const MStringResourceId& id,
const MString& arg1,
const MString& arg2 = MString(""),
const MString& arg3 = MString(""),
const MString& arg4 = MString(""),
const MString& arg5 = MString(""),
const MString& arg6 = MString(""),
const MString& arg7 = MString(""),
const MString& arg8 = MString(""),
const MString& arg9 = MString(""))
// Threadsafe displayWarning() bundled with MStringResourceId and format
MStatus stat;
MString format = MStringResource::getString(id, stat);
MString msg;
msg.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
} // namespace GPUCache