
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#ifndef __XGENHAIRUTIL_H__
#define __XGENHAIRUTIL_H__
#include <vector>
#include <shader.h>
namespace XGenMR
// All user data descriptions
// This is used at shader execution to query the index of a particular user data.
struct UserDataFormat
// Single User data definition
struct Entry
Entry( const std::string& str, unsigned int offset, unsigned int numScalars );
// Checks if name and size are valid.
bool isValid() const;
// We'll persist all the hair layout information in a custom user data, on the hair object
void toString( std::string& out_str ) const;
std::string m_name;
unsigned int m_offset;
unsigned int m_numScalars;
UserDataFormat( const char* str, size_t size );
enum EType
EType getType() const { return m_type; }
void setType( EType t ) { m_type = t; }
// We'll persist all the hair layout information in a custom user data, on the hair object
void toString( std::string& out_str ) const;
// register a user data to the list, the map is filled later on by buildMap()
void registerUserData( const std::string& str, unsigned int numScalars, int perPoint );
// build the map from the list of registered user data.
// It builds the offsets correctly
void buildMap();
// Add a user data to the map. The offset must be known.
bool addUserData( const std::string& str, unsigned int offset, unsigned int numScalars );
Entry* find( const std::string& str );
Entry* getEntry( size_t i );
const Entry* getEntry( size_t i ) const;
size_t getEntryCount() const;
size_t getOffsetScalars( ) const { return m_offsetScalars;}
EType m_type;
std::map<std::string,Entry> m_map;
std::vector<Entry> m_list; // temp list used by register and build map.
size_t m_offsetScalars; // inplace user data scalars
// hair util shader class.
// Will deprecate it soon. The seexpr shader does much more and better.
class HairUtil
// mental ray input parameters
struct Params
miTag format;
void init( miState* state, Params* paras );
// calls getField for the 3 components, based on the what init() picked.
miBoolean execute( miVector* result, miState* state, Params* paras );
static const char* Names[43];
// What data to retreive on the miState
enum Field
no_field, bary, point, normal, normal_geom, direction, tex,
derivs0, derivs1, derivs2, derivs3, derivs4, derivs5, derivs6, derivs7, derivs8, derivs9,
scalars0, scalars1, scalars2, scalars3, scalars4, scalars5, scalars6, scalars7, scalars8, scalars9,
hair_min_raster_size, hair_raster_area,
hair_min_pixel_size, hair_pixel_area,
tex_list0, tex_list1, tex_list2, tex_list3, tex_list4, tex_list5, tex_list6, tex_list7, tex_list8, tex_list9,
// A component of the Vector3
enum Comp
no_comp, x, y, z
// Return the data from the miState
static float getField( miState* state, Field field, Comp component );
// Texture Helper
static bool getTextures( miState *state, int& max_tex, miVector** out_textures );
static bool getHairScalars( miState *state, int& max_scalars, std::vector<miScalar>& out_scalars );
// Data for the shader instance, initialized in init()
std::string m_format;
Field m_fields[3];
Comp m_components[3];