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bevelPlus [-capSides int] [-constructionHistory boolean] [-depth linear] [-extrudeDepth linear] [-innerStyle int] [-joinSurfaces boolean] [-name string] [-normalsOutwards boolean] [-numberOfSides int] [-outerStyle int] [-polyOutChordHeight linear] [-polyOutChordHeightRatio float] [-polyOutCount int] [-polyOutCurveSamples int] [-polyOutCurveType int] [-polyOutExtrusionSamples int] [-polyOutExtrusionType int] [-polyOutMethod int] [-polyOutUseChordHeight boolean] [-polyOutUseChordHeightRatio boolean] [-polygon int] [-tolerance linear] [-width linear] curve [curve curve...]

bevelPlus is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The bevelPlus command creates a new bevel surface for the specified curves using a given style curve. The first curve should be the "outside" curve, and the (optional) rest of them should be inside of the first one. For predictable results, the curves should be planar and all in the same plane.

Return value

string[]Object name(s) and node name

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


capSides, constructionHistory, depth, extrudeDepth, innerStyle, joinSurfaces, name, normalsOutwards, numberOfSides, outerStyle, polyOutChordHeight, polyOutChordHeightRatio, polyOutCount, polyOutCurveSamples, polyOutCurveType, polyOutExtrusionSamples, polyOutExtrusionType, polyOutMethod, polyOutUseChordHeight, polyOutUseChordHeightRatio, polygon, tolerance, width
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-capSides(-cap) int createquery
How to cap the bevel.
  • 1 - no caps
  • 2 - cap at start only
  • 3 - cap at end only
  • 4 - cap at start and end

-constructionHistory(-ch) boolean create
Turn the construction history on or off.
-depth(-d) linear createqueryedit
The depth for the bevel.
-extrudeDepth(-ed) linear createqueryedit
The extrude distance (depth) for bevel.
-innerStyle(-is) int createqueryedit
Similar to outerStyle, this style is applied to all but the first (outer) curve specified.
-joinSurfaces(-js) boolean createqueryedit
Attach bevelled surfaces into one surface for each input curve.
-name(-n) string create
Name the resulting object.
-normalsOutwards(-no) boolean createqueryedit
If enabled, the normals point outwards on the resulting NURBS or poly surface.
-numberOfSides(-ns) int createqueryedit
How to apply the bevel.
  • 1 - no bevels
  • 2 - bevel at start only
  • 3 - bevel at end only
  • 4 - bevel at start and end

Default: 4
-outerStyle(-os) int createqueryedit
Choose a style to use for the bevel of the first (outer) curve. There are 15 predefined styles (values 0 to 14 can be used to select them). For those experienced with MEL, you can, after the fact, specify a custom curve and use it for the style curve. See the documentation for styleCurve node to see what requirements a style curve must satisfy.
-polyOutChordHeight(-cht) linear createqueryedit
Chord height is the absolute distance in object space which the center of a polygon edge can deviate from the actual center of the surface span. Only used if Method is Sampling and if polyOutseChordHeight is true.
-polyOutChordHeightRatio(-chr) float createqueryedit
Chord height ratio is the ratio of the chord length of a surface span to the chord height. (This is a length to height ratio). 0 is a very loose fit. 1 is a very tight fit. This applies to the polygonal output type only. (See also description of chord height.) Used if Method is Sampling and polyOutUseChordHeightRatio is true.
-polyOutCount(-poc) int createqueryedit
The number of polygons to produce when the polygon is requested. Only used if Method is face count (0).
-polyOutCurveSamples(-pcs) int createqueryedit
Initial number of samples in the curve direction. Only used if Method is Sampling.
-polyOutCurveType(-pct) int createqueryedit
Initial tessellation criteria along the curve. Only used if Method is Sampling.
  • 2 - Complete Curve. This type places a specific number of sample points along the curve, equally spaced in parameter space.
  • 3 - Curve Span. This type places a specific number of sample points across each curve span, equally spaced in parameter space.

-polyOutExtrusionSamples(-pes) int createqueryedit
Initial number of samples along the extrusion. Only used if Method is Sampling.
-polyOutExtrusionType(-pet) int createqueryedit
Initial type tessellation criteria along the extrude direction. Used only if Method is Sampling.
  • 2 - Complete Extrusion. This type places a specific number of lines across the surface, equally spaced in parameter space.
  • 3 - Extrusion Section. This type places a specific number of lines across each surface span, equally spaced in parameter space.

-polyOutMethod(-pom) int createqueryedit
Method for the polygonal output: 0 - Face Count, 2 - Sampling
-polyOutUseChordHeight(-uch) boolean createqueryedit
True means use chord height. This is a secondary criteria that refines the tessellation produced using the sampling value. Only used if Method is Sampling.
-polyOutUseChordHeightRatio(-ucr) boolean createqueryedit
True means use chord height ratio. This is a secondary criteria that refines the tessellation produced using the sampling value. Only used if Method is Sampling.
-polygon(-po) int create
Create a polyset (1) instead of nurbs surface (0).
-tolerance(-tol) linear createqueryedit
The tolerance for creating NURBS caps.
-width(-w) linear createqueryedit
The width for the bevel.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

circle; scale -r 10 10 10;
circle; scale -r 5 5 5;
bevelPlus -po 1 -cap 4 -os 2 -is 4 nurbsCircle1 nurbsCircle2;