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dynParticleCtx [-conserve float] [-cursorPlacement] [-exists] [-grid boolean] [-gridSpacing float] [-history boolean] [-image1 string] [-image2 string] [-image3 string] [-jitterRadius float] [-lowerLeftX float] [-lowerLeftY float] [-lowerLeftZ float] [-name string] [-nucleus boolean] [-numJitters int] [-particleName string] [-sketch boolean] [-sketchInterval int] [-textPlacement] [-upperRightX float] [-upperRightY float] [-upperZ float] string

dynParticleCtx is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The particle context command creates a particle context. The particle context provides an interactive means to create particle objects. The particle context command also provides an interactive means to set the option values, through the Tool Property Sheet, for the "particle" command that the context will issue.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


conserve, cursorPlacement, exists, grid, gridSpacing, history, image1, image2, image3, jitterRadius, lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, lowerLeftZ, name, nucleus, numJitters, particleName, sketch, sketchInterval, textPlacement, upperRightX, upperRightY, upperZ
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-conserve(-c) float queryedit
Conservation of momentum control (between 0 and 1). For smaller values, the field will tend to erase any existing velocity the object has (in other words, will not conserve momentum from frame to frame). A value of 1 (the default) corresponds to the true physical law of conservation of momentum.
-cursorPlacement(-cp) queryedit
Use the cursor to place the lower left and upper right of the grid.
-exists(-ex) create
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
-grid(-gr) boolean queryedit
Create a particle grid.
-gridSpacing(-grs) float queryedit
Spacing between particles in the grid.
-history(-ch) boolean create
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for the tool in question.
-image1(-i1) string createqueryedit
First of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-image2(-i2) string createqueryedit
Second of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-image3(-i3) string createqueryedit
Third of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-jitterRadius(-jr) float queryedit
Max radius from the center to place the particle instances.
-lowerLeftX(-llx) float queryedit
Lower left X position of the particle grid.
-lowerLeftY(-lly) float queryedit
Lower left Y position of the particle grid.
-lowerLeftZ(-llz) float queryedit
Lower left Z position of the particle grid.
-name(-n) string create
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately.
-nucleus(-nc) boolean queryedit
If set true then an nParticle is generated with a nucleus node connection. Otherwise a standard particle is created.
-numJitters(-nj) int queryedit
Number of jitters (instances) per particle.
-particleName(-pn) string queryedit
Particle name.
-sketch(-sk) boolean queryedit
Create particles in sketch mode.
-sketchInterval(-ski) int queryedit
Interval between particles, when in sketch mode.
-textPlacement(-tp) queryedit
Use the textfields to specify the lower left and upper right of/ the grid.
-upperRightX(-urx) float queryedit
Upper right X position of the particle grid.
-upperRightY(-ury) float queryedit
Upper right Y position of the particle grid.
-upperZ(-urz) float queryedit
Upper right Z position of the particle grid.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

dynParticleCtx -e -nj 5 -jr 1.5 dynParticleContext;
// Set the option values for number of jitters to 5 and jitter
// radius to 1.5 in the particle context, which will result in
// creating 5 particles for each mouse click in the viewport,
// randomly placed, but all within 1.5 units of the mouse click.