script (MEL) |
Only available in MEL |
loadPluginLanguageResources |
In categories: System, Localization |
Go to: Synopsis. Notes. Return value. Related. MEL examples.
loadPluginLanguageResources(string $pluginName, string $pluginResourceFile)
Load localized values for string resources registered with a plugin.
This procedure takes the name of a script file that will be sourced
to override the default values for a plugin's resources with
language-appropriate values.
This file will only be used if Maya is running in a localized mode
and an appropriate file for the UI language can be found (see below).
Otherwise the default values registered for the resources will
be used.
This call should be invoked from the UI string registration
procedures that are setup using MFnPlugin::registerUIStrings.
When set up correctly it will be called during plugin load and will
ensure that the strings are set correctly to their default or
localized value for subsequent steps in the plugin's execution.
When maya is running in a localized mode, a language-dependent
resource file with the given name will be searched for
along MAYA_PLUG_IN_RESOURCE_PATH, and sourced if it is found.
MAYA_PLUG_IN_RESOURCE_PATH is constructed to contain
the following locations: Maya's default resource location for the
current localized language; language-subdirectories found
in all module locations as MAYA_MODULE_PATH is processed.
Call getenv("MAYA_PLUG_IN_RESOURCE_PATH") to see the current value of
the search path. It is only relevant in localized environments.
Plugin resources are defined using the registerPluginResources
and overriden (for localization) using the setPluginResource commands.
They are accessed using getPluginResource.
getPluginResource, registerPluginResource, setPluginResource
Variable Name |
Variable Type |
Description |
$pluginName | string | Unique Plugin name
$fileName | string | Name of string resource file to load
(filename only without path).
// Load localized resources for the plugin "myPlugin"
// when required.
// The resources are located in a file "myPluginStrings.res.mel"
// No action will be taken if the file is not found.
loadPluginLanguageResources("myPlugin", "myPluginStrings.res.mel");