Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. MEL examples.


ogsRender [-activeMultisampleType string] [-activeRenderOverride string] [-activeRenderTargetFormat string] [-availableFloatingPointTargetFormat] [-availableMultisampleType] [-availableRenderOverrides] [-camera string] [-currentFrame] [-currentView] [-enableFloatingPointRenderTarget boolean] [-enableMultisample boolean] [-frame float] [-height uint] [-layer name] [-noRenderView] [-width uint]

ogsRender is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.

Renders an image or a sequence using the OGS rendering engine

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


ogs, offline, rendering


activeMultisampleType, activeRenderOverride, activeRenderTargetFormat, availableFloatingPointTargetFormat, availableMultisampleType, availableRenderOverrides, camera, currentFrame, currentView, enableFloatingPointRenderTarget, enableMultisample, frame, height, layer, noRenderView, width
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-activeMultisampleType(-mst) string queryedit
Query the current active multisample type.
-activeRenderOverride(-cro) string queryedit
Set or query the current active render override.
-activeRenderTargetFormat(-fpt) string queryedit
Query the current active floating point target format.
-availableFloatingPointTargetFormat(-afp) queryedit
Returns the names of available floating point render target format.
-availableMultisampleType(-amt) queryedit
Returns the names of available multisample type.
-availableRenderOverrides(-aro) queryedit
Returns the names of available render overrides.
-camera(-cam) string createqueryedit
Specify the camera to use. Use the first available camera if the camera given is not found.
-currentFrame(-cf) createqueryedit
Render the current frame.
-currentView(-cv) createqueryedit
When turned on, only the current view will be rendered.
-enableFloatingPointRenderTarget(-efp) boolean queryedit
Enable/disable floating point render target.
-enableMultisample(-ems) boolean queryedit
Enable/disable multisample.
-frame(-f) float createedit
Specify the frame to render.
-height(-h) uint createqueryedit
The height flag pass the height to the ogsRender command. If not used, the height is taken from the render globals settings.
-layer(-l) name createqueryedit
Render the specified render layer. Only this render layer will be rendered, regardless of the renderable attribute value of the render layer. The layer name will be appended to the output image file name. The specified render layer becomes the current render layer before rendering, and remains as current render layer after the rendering.
-noRenderView(-nrv) createqueryedit
When turned on, the render view is not updated after image computation
-width(-w) uint createqueryedit
The width flag pass the width to the ogsRender command. If not used, the width is taken from the render globals settings.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Create a poly sphere.
// Render it
# It will try to save the image with format according
# to the file name saved in render globals.
ogsRender -w 480 -h 270
ogsRender -w 480 -h 270