Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


propModCtx [-animCurve string] [-animCurveFalloff float float] [-animCurveParam string] [-direction float float float] [-exists] [-image1 string] [-image2 string] [-image3 string] [-linear float] [-linearParam float float] [-nurbsCurve string] [-powerCutoff float] [-powerCutoffParam float float] [-powerDegree float] [-powerDegreeParam float] [-script string] [-scriptParam string] [-type int] [-worldspace boolean] string

propModCtx is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Controls the proportional move context.

Return value

stringName of the new context created

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


animCurve, animCurveFalloff, animCurveParam, direction, exists, image1, image2, image3, linear, linearParam, nurbsCurve, powerCutoff, powerCutoffParam, powerDegree, powerDegreeParam, script, scriptParam, type, worldspace
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-animCurve(-ac) string createqueryedit
Name of the anim curve to use as a drop-off curve. Only the 0 -> side of the curve will be used and the distance will be mapped to "seconds". The profile of the curve will be used as the profile for propmod function.
-animCurveFalloff(-acf) float float createqueryedit
The profile of the curve will be used as the profile for propmod function in both U and V. This will be scaled in U, V according to the paramters provided. The ratio of the U, V scaling parameters will dictate the footprint of the fuction while the curve itself provides the magnitudes.
-animCurveParam(-acp) string createqueryedit
Name of the anim curve to use as a drop-off curve. Only the 0 -> side of the curve will be used and the distance will be mapped to "seconds", where 1 second maps to 0.01 units in parametric space.
-direction(-d) float float float createqueryedit
Direction along which to compute the distance for the distance based drop-off functions. The default is (1 1 1)
-exists(-ex) create
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
-image1(-i1) string createqueryedit
First of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-image2(-i2) string createqueryedit
Second of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-image3(-i3) string createqueryedit
Third of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
-linear(-l) float createqueryedit
If using linear drop-off function, this is its slope. The default of -0.1 means the point at the locator moves with it and the point 10 units away doesn't move at all.
-linearParam(-lp) float float createqueryedit
If using parametric linear drop-off function, these specify its limits along the U and V directions.
-nurbsCurve(-nc) string createqueryedit
Name of the nurbs curve to use as a drop-off curve. The closest point distance would be used as the drop off percentage.
-powerCutoff(-pc) float createqueryedit
If using the power drop-off function, this is its distance cutoff value. The default is 10.0.
-powerCutoffParam(-pcp) float float createqueryedit
If using the power drop-off function, these specify one of it's limits, 0 for U, and 1 and V. The default cutoff is 10.0.
-powerDegree(-pd) float createqueryedit
If using the power drop-off function, this is its degree. The default is 3.
-powerDegreeParam(-pdp) float createqueryedit
If using the power drop-off function, this is its degree. The default is 3.
-script(-s) string createqueryedit
The name of the script to use to compute the drop-off. The script takes 6 floats as input - first 3 are the position of the move locator, the next 3 the position of the point to be manipulated. The script should return a drop-off coefficient which could be negative or zero.
-scriptParam(-sp) string createqueryedit
The name of the script to use to compute the drop-off. The script takes 4 floats as input - first 2 are the parametric position of the move locator, the next 2 the parametric position of the point to be manipulated. The script should return a drop-off coefficient which could be negative or zero.
-type(-t) int createqueryedit
Choose the type for the drop-off function. Legal values are 1 for linear, 2 for power, 3 for script, 4 for anim curve. The default is 1.
-worldspace(-ws) boolean createqueryedit
Set the space in which the tool works. True for world space, false for parametric space.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Edit type of propmod context.
propModCtx -e -t 1 PropMod;

// Activate propmod context.
setToolTo PropMod;

// Change the type and dropoff.
propModCtx -e -d 0 1 0 PropMod;