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setPfxToPolyCamera cameraName selectedPaintEffectsOnly

Set the camera to use for paint effects or toon elements that are converted to poly. Some paint effects items adjust to the current viewpoint. For example toon profile lines, or brushes with forwardTwist on. For normal paint effects redraw and render paint effects knows the current view being rendered, and thus has access to the current camera. However for paint effects converted to poly( or nurbs ) the evaluation of the output mesh is done outside the context of a render or draw, thus we need to explicitly connect a camera to the paint effects node( stroke, pfxToon, or pfxHair nodes). This routine allows one to set the camera after one has done paint effects or toon to polygons. Technically this routine connects to or sets the cameraPoint attribute on the paint effects node.

Return value



Variable Name Variable Type Description
string cameraName: The name of the camera to set the paint effects elements for. int selectedPaintEffectsOnly: If true then applied to all selected paint effects, otherwise to all paint effects that have been converted to polygons.

MEL examples

  setPfxToPolyCamera persp1 true;
  setPfxToPolyCamera top false;