Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. MEL examples.
vnnCompound [-addNode string] [-addStatePortUI] [-canResetToFactory string] [-connected boolean] [-connectedTo string] [-connectedToInput] [-connectedToOutput] [-create string] [-createInputPort string string] [-createOutputPort string string] [-deletePort string] [-explode string] [-inputPort] [-listNodes] [-listPortChildren string] [-listPorts] [-moveNodeIn string] [-movePort string int] [-nodeType string] [-outputPort] [-queryIsReferenced] [-queryMetaData string] [-queryPortDataType string] [-queryPortMetaDataValue string string] [-removeNode string] [-renameNode string string] [-renamePort string string] [-resetToFactory string] [-saveAs string] [-setIsReferenced boolean] [-setMetaData string string] [-setPortDataType string string] [-setPortMetaDataValue string string string] [-specializedTypeName]
string string
vnnCompound is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.
The vnnCompound command is used to operate compound and its VNN graph. The first parameter is the full name of the DG node that contains the VNN graph. The second parameter is the name of the compound.string | The result of the operation |
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | ||
string string
string string
string int
string string
string string
string string
string string
string string
string string string
Flag can appear in Create mode of command | Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command | Flag can be used more than once in a command. |
// create a bifrost liquid node // to operate VNN graph of the bifrost container file -f -new; polyPlane; CreateBifrostLiquid; // please open bifrost liquid container in node editor // Create a sub-compound in the graph vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -create "subCompound"; // Explode a sub-compound vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -explode "subCompound"; // Create an output port in the compound vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -createOutputPort "newOutput" "Bifrost::Types::ObjectDescriptor"; // Create an input port in the compound vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -createInputPort "newInput" "Bifrost::Types::ObjectDescriptor"; // Rename a port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -renamePort "newOutput" "outputValue"; // Move a port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -movePort "newInput" 0; // Delete a port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -deletePort "newInput"; // set the type of a internal port of the compound vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -setPortDataType "outputValue" "string"; // query the data type of a specified port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -queryPortDataType "outputValue"; // set the state value of specified port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -setPortMetaDataValue "portName" "metaDataName" "value"; // query the current state value of specified port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -queryPortMetaDataValue "portName" "metaDataName"; // query the children of a specified port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPortChildren "portName"; // Add a new node into VNN graph of the bifrost container vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -addNode "Bifrost,Bifrost::Nodes::Math,add"; // Rename a node vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -renameNode "add" "plus"; // Remove the node vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -removeNode "plus"; // Pop up a window to add input output port and set their data type vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -addStatePortUI; // Query the specialized type name vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -specializedTypeName; // Query if the compound is referenced vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -queryIsReferenced; // Make the compound private vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -setIsReferenced false; // List all child nodes in the specified compound vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes; // List the nodes in the specified compound which are of a specific type vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -nodeType "Math"; // List all the nodes in the specified compound which have no connections vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -connected false; // List nodes in the specified compound which are connected to the parent's internal input vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -connectedToInput; // List nodes in the specified compound which are connected to the parent's internal output vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -connectedToOutput; // List nodes in the specified compound which are connected to both the parent's internal input and output port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -connectedToInput -connectedToOutput; // Query the name of the node that is connected to a specified port // It could be either an input port or an output port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listNodes -connectedTo "Solid"; // Result: SetDescriptorFromObject1.value // List the names of all compound's internal ports vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPorts; // List the names of the compound's internal input ports vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPorts -inputPort; // List the names of the compound's internal output ports vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPorts -outputPort; // List all the compound's internal unconnected input and output port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPorts -connected false; // List all the compound's internal connected input and output port vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -listPorts -connected true; // Query if the specified compound can be reset to factory vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -canResetToFactory "CompoundName"; // Reset the specified compound to factory vnnCompound "|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1" "liquid" -resetToFactory "CompoundName";