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wire [-after] [-afterReference] [-before] [-crossingEffect float] [-deformerTools] [-dropoffDistance uint linear] [-envelope float] [-exclusive string] [-frontOfChain] [-geometry string] [-geometryIndices] [-groupWithBase boolean] [-holder uint string] [-ignoreSelected] [-includeHiddenSelections] [-localInfluence float] [-name string] [-parallel] [-prune] [-remove] [-split] [-wire string] [-wireCount uint] [objects]

wire is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a wire deformer.
In the create mode the selection list is treated as the object(s) to be deformed, Wires are specified with the -w flag. Each wire can optionally have a holder which helps define the the regon of the object that is affected by the deformer.

Return value

string[]The wire node name and the wire curve name

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


cluster, deformer, flexor, lattice, percent, sculpt, wrinkle


after, afterReference, before, crossingEffect, deformerTools, dropoffDistance, envelope, exclusive, frontOfChain, geometry, geometryIndices, groupWithBase, holder, ignoreSelected, includeHiddenSelections, localInfluence, name, parallel, prune, remove, split, wire, wireCount
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-after(-af) createedit
If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto the existing chain is not the desired behavior then this flag can be used to force the command to place the deformer node after the selected node in the chain even if a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
-afterReference(-ar) createedit
The -afterReference flag is used to specify deformer ordering in a hybrid way that choses between -before and -after automatically. If the geometry being deformed is referenced then the -after mode is used when adding the new deformer, otherwise the -before mode is used. The net effect when using -afterReference to build deformer chains is that internal shape nodes in the deformer chain will only appear at reference file boundaries, leading to lightweight deformer networks that may be more amicable to reference swapping.
-before(-bf) createedit
If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto the existing chain is not the desired behavior then this flag can be used to force the command to place the deformer node before the selected node in the chain even if a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
-crossingEffect(-ce) float createqueryedit
Set the amount of convolution effect. Varies from fully convolved at 0 to a simple additive effect at 1 (which is what you get with the filter off). Default is 0. This filter should make its way into all blend nodes that deal with combining effects from multiple sources.
-deformerTools(-dt) query
Returns the name of the deformer tool objects (if any) as string string ...
-dropoffDistance(-dds) uint linear createqueryeditmultiuse
Set the dropoff distance (second parameter) for the wire at index (first parameter).
-envelope(-en) float createqueryedit
Set the envelope value for the deformer. Default is 1.0
-exclusive(-ex) string createquery
Puts the deformation set in a deform partition.
-frontOfChain(-foc) createedit
This command is used to specify that the new deformer node should be placed ahead (upstream) of existing deformer and skin nodes in the shape's history (but not ahead of existing tweak nodes). The input to the deformer will be the upstream shape rather than the visible downstream shape, so the behavior of this flag is the most intuitive if the downstream deformers are in their reset (hasNoEffect) position when the new deformer is added. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
-geometry(-g) string queryeditmultiuse
The specified object will be added to the list of objects being deformed by this deformer object, unless the -rm flag is also specified. When queried, this flag returns string string string ...
-geometryIndices(-gi) query
Complements the -geometry flag in query mode. Returns the multi index of each geometry.
-groupWithBase(-gw) boolean create
Groups the wire with the base wire so that they can easily be moved together to create a ripple effect. Default is false.
-holder(-ho) uint string createqueryeditmultiuse
Set the specified curve or surface (second parameter as a holder for the wire at index (first parameter).
-ignoreSelected(-is) create
Tells the command to not deform objects on the current selection list
-includeHiddenSelections(-ihs) create
Apply the deformer to any visible and hidden objects in the selection list. Default is false.
-localInfluence(-li) float createqueryedit
Set the local control a wire has with respect to other wires irrespective of whether it is deforming the surface. Varies from no local effect at 0 to full local control at 1. Default is 0.
-name(-n) string create
Used to specify the name of the node being created.
-parallel(-par) createedit
Inserts the new deformer in a parallel chain to any existing deformers in the history of the object. A blendShape is inserted to blend the parallel results together. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
-prune(-pr) edit
Removes any points not being deformed by the deformer in its current configuration from the deformer set.
-remove(-rm) editmultiuse
Specifies that objects listed after the -g flag should be removed from this deformer.
-split(-sp) createedit
Branches off a new chain in the dependency graph instead of inserting/appending the deformer into/onto an existing chain. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
-wire(-w) string createqueryeditmultiuse
Specify or query the wire curve name.
-wireCount(-wc) uint createqueryedit
Set the number of wires.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// select a surface and a curve that you want to be a wire, then enter

// create a wire deformer on surface1 using curve1 and curve2
wire surface1 curve1 curve2;

// modify the dropoff distance and envelope on wire1
wire -edit -en 0.8 -dds 0 6 -dds 1 3.2 wire1;