Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. Python examples.
profilerTool([categoryView=boolean], [cpuView=boolean], [destroy=boolean], [exists=boolean], [findNext=boolean], [findPrevious=boolean], [frameAll=boolean], [frameSelected=boolean], [isolateSegment=int], [make=boolean], [matchWholeWord=boolean], [searchEvent=string], [segmentCount=boolean], [showAllEvent=boolean], [showSelectedEvents=boolean], [showSelectedEventsRepetition=boolean], [threadView=boolean], [unisolateSegment=boolean])
Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.
profilerTool is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.
This script is intended to be used by the profilerPanel to interact with the profiler tool's view (draw region).
It can be used to control some behaviors about the profiler Tool.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
profiler, tool, profilerTool, timing, performance, profiling
categoryView, cpuView, destroy, exists, findNext, findPrevious, frameAll, frameSelected, isolateSegment, make, matchWholeWord, searchEvent, segmentCount, showAllEvent, showSelectedEvents, showSelectedEventsRepetition, threadView, unisolateSegment
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
import maya.cmds as cmds
#First record/load a profile
#Frame the tool's view on all recorded events.
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, frameAll = True )
#Frame selected events
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, frameSelected = True )
#Change to cpu view
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, cpuView = True )
#Show only selected events
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, showSelectedEvents = True )
#Show all events
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, showAllEvent = True )
#Hide all events which has same comment as selected events
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, showSelectedEventsRepetition = False )
#Find all events whose name contains "abc"
cmds.profilerTool( query = True, searchEvent = "abc" )
#Find the first event, whose name exactly match with "def", next to current selected event
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, matchWholeWord = True )
cmds.profilerTool( query = True, searchEvent = "def", findNext = True )
#Query segment count in buffer
cmds.profilerTool( query = True, segmentCount = True )
#Isolate the first segment
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, isolateSegment = 0 )
#Unisolate segment
cmds.profilerTool( edit = True, unisolateSegment = True )