Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. Python examples.


setRenderPassType([defaultDataType=boolean], [numChannels=int], [type=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

setRenderPassType is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

This command will set the passID of a renderPass node and create the custom attributes specified by the corresponding render pass definition. If the render pass node already has a passID assigned to it, attributes that are no longer required become hidden, and new attributes are unhidden and/or created as needed. This allows passIDs to be changed back and forth without losing attribute data. It also allows common attributes to be transported from one render pass type to another.

Return value



render, layer,, pass




defaultDataType, numChannels, type
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
defaultDataType(d) boolean create
If set, the render pass will use its default data type.
numChannels(n) int create
Specify the number of channels to use in the render pass. Note that this flag is only valid if there is an implementation supporting the requested number of channels.
type(t) string create
Specify the pass type to assign to the pass node(s).

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# create a render pass for diffuse reflection
cmds.createNode( 'renderPass', name='myDiffusePass' );
# Result: myDiffusePass #
cmds.setRenderPassType( 'myDiffusePass', type='diffuse' );
# Result: true #