Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


texCutContext( contextName , [adjustSize=boolean], [displayShellBorders=boolean], [edgeSelectSensitive=float], [exists=boolean], [history=boolean], [image1=string], [image2=string], [image3=string], [mode=string], [moveRatio=float], [name=string], [size=float], [steadyStroke=boolean], [steadyStrokeDistance=float], [touchToSew=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

texCutContext is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a context for cut uv tool. This context only works in the UV editor.

Return value

floatSize of the brush rung, when querying brushSize
floatThe value of the edge selection sensitivity, when querying the edgeSelectSensitive flag.
booleanWhether steady stroke is on or not, when querying the steadyStroke flag.
floatThe distance for a steady stroke, when querying the steadyStrokeDistance flag.
floatThe cut open ratio relative to edge length, when querying the moveRatio flag.
stringThe type of effect the brush will perform, when querying the mode flag.
booleanWhether shell borders are displayed, when querying the displayShellBorders flag.
booleanCurrent touch-to-sew mode, when querying the touchToSew flag.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


adjustSize, displayShellBorders, edgeSelectSensitive, exists, history, image1, image2, image3, mode, moveRatio, name, size, steadyStroke, steadyStrokeDistance, touchToSew
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
adjustSize(asz) boolean edit
If true, puts the tool into the mode where dragging the mouse will edit the brush size. If false, puts the tool back into the previous mode.
displayShellBorders(dsb) boolean queryedit
Toggle the display of shell borders.
edgeSelectSensitive(ess) float queryedit
Set the value of the edge selection sensitivity.
exists(ex) boolean create
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
history(ch) boolean create
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for the tool in question.
image1(i1) string createqueryedit
First of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
image2(i2) string createqueryedit
Second of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
image3(i3) string createqueryedit
Third of three possible icons representing the tool associated with the context.
mode(m) string queryedit
Specifies the type of effect the brush will perform, Cut or Sew.
moveRatio(mvr) float queryedit
The cut open ratio relative to edge length.
name(n) string create
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately.
size(sz) float queryedit
Brush size value of the brush ring.
steadyStroke(ss) boolean queryedit
Turn on steady stroke or not.
steadyStrokeDistance(ssd) float queryedit
The distance for steady stroke.
touchToSew(tts) boolean queryedit
Toggle the touch to sew mode.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

// Create a new cut UV tool context, then switch to it
// In order to use this tool, you must open the UV editor