Defines common types and type related utilities: Singleton, etc. These types can be shared by other utils modules and imported into util main namespace for use by other pymel modules
LazyLoadModule |
addLazyDocString | helper for LazyDocString. Equivalent to : | ||
alias | Returns a property which is simply an alias for another property. | ||
makeMethod | |||
proxyClass | This function will generate a proxy class which keeps the internal data separate from the wrapped class. | ||
readonly | Marks a class member as protected, allowing metaProtected to prevent re-assignation on the classes it generates |
EquivalencePairs | A mapping object similar to a TwoWayDict, with the addition that indexing |
LazyDocString | Set the __doc__ of an object to an object of this class in order to have a docstring that is dynamically generated when used. |
ModuleInterceptor | This class is used to intercept an unset attribute of a module to perfrom a callback. |
ProxyUnicode | |
Singleton | Metaclass for Singleton classes. |
TwoWayDict | A dictionary that can also map in reverse: value to key. |
defaultdict | defaultdict(default_factory) –> dict with default factory |
defaultlist | |
metaReadOnlyAttr | A metaclass to allow to define read-only class attributes, accessible either on the class or it’s instances and protected against re-write or re-definition. |
metaStatic | A static (immutable) Singleton metaclass to quickly build classes |
propertycache | Class for creating properties where the value is initially calculated then stored. |
universalmethod |
LazyDocStringError |