Disable color management for new scenes

It is possible to disable color management using several different methods.

One way is to disable color management in the preferences, then save out those settings and use them as a policy (see Use color management policies (external preference files)). The drawback of this method is that you might overwrite the settings of any scenes you open and resave.

However, it is possible to define a script job to run automatically whenever a NewSceneOpened event occurs. This can be used to turn off color management whenever Maya starts up or opens a new scene, without affecting existing scenes that are opened and resaved.

  1. Create a text file called for example TurnOffColorMan.mel in the scripts of your Maya user directory.
  2. Enter the following lines into the file:
    global proc TurnOffColorMan()
    colorManagementPrefs -edit -cmEnabled 0;
  3. If you don't already have one, create a text file called userSetup.mel in the same location.
  4. Add the following line to the userSetup.mel file:
    scriptJob -e SceneOpened TurnOffColorMan;
  5. Restart Maya.

For more information about the userSetup.mel file, see Run MEL commands whenever Maya starts up.