View the depth of field effect in Viewport 2.0

You can enable or disable depth of field for each viewport panel.


This behavior is different from that of Maya 2015 (and previous versions). Previously, if you enabled Depth of Field in your camera Attribute Editor, depth of field was always enabled in the viewport. The Depth of Field attribute in the camera Attribute Editor is now decoupled from the viewport depth of field control.

In addition, you can include the depth of field effect in your render.

This functionality is new in Maya 2016.

To see depth of field in your viewport

  1. Enable Depth of Field in the camera Attribute Editor.
  2. Click the Depth of Field toolbar button in the panel toolbar or toggle Shading > Depth of Field to enable or disable depth of field in each viewport panel.

To include depth of field in your render

  1. Enable Depth of Field in the camera Attribute Editor.
  2. Open the Render Settings window and select Maya Hardware 2.0 as your renderer. In the Maya Hardware 2.0 tab, Render Options section, enable Depth of Field.