Create New Cache
Note: Geometry caches only store the XYZ positions of an object’s vertices, not the translation, rotation, or scale of the object’s Transform node.
Creates a new geometry cache for the current object.
If you have multiple objects selected, geometry caches are created for each of the selected objects (One File per Geometry) or a single cache (One File per Frame, One File) is created for all the selected objects. See Create or import geometry caches.
Select Geometry Cache > Create New Cache >
to set the Create New Cache Options.
Import Cache
Lets you browse your local hard drive or server for an existing geometry cache file to attach to the current object. If the current object already has a geometry cache, the cache file you browse to and select replaces the original cache but does not delete it from disk. The geometry cache file you select must have the same topology as the object to which you are importing the cache. See To import a geometry cache.
Export Cache
- Lets you export a cache file for the selected geometry.
Select Geometry Cache > Export Cache >
to set the Export Cache Options.
Disable All Caches On Selected
- Disables all the current object’s geometry cache nodes and clips.
Enable All Caches On Selected
- Enables all the current object’s geometry cache nodes and clips.
Replace Cache
- Replaces the current object’s geometry cache with a newly generated cache. See Replace geometry caches.
Note: You cannot replace a geometry cache for an object that has more than one attached cache.
Select Geometry Cache > Replace Cache >
to set the Replace Cache Options.
Merge Caches
- Merges your current object’s enabled geometry caches and disables the cache nodes that are merged. By default, this operation does not delete any of your geometry cache nodes. See Merge geometry caches and Merge geometry cache clips.
- Select Geometry Cache > Merge Cache >
to set the Merge Caches Options.
Delete Cache
- Deletes the current object’s geometry cache nodes and clips. See Delete geometry caches.
- Select Geometry Cache > Delete Cache >
to set the Delete Cache Options.
- Append to Cache
- Generates a new geometry cache for the current object and appends it to the object’s enabled geometry cache. If the appended cache overlaps in time with the enabled cache, then it is automatically blended with the enabled cache. However, if there is a gap in time between the enabled cache and the appended cache, then the gap is linearly interpolated and no cache data for the gap is saved to the appended cache. See Append geometry caches.
- Select Geometry Cache > Append to Cache >
to set the Append to Cache Options.
Replace Cache Frame
- Replaces the current object’s geometry cache frames specified in the Replace Geometry Cache Frames Options window. See Replace geometry caches. This lets you strategically replace individual cache frames in a geometry cache file. For example, you can improve an object’s cached deformations by remodeling parts of the object at specific frames and then replacing those frames in its geometry cache file.
Note: You cannot replace geometry cache frames for an object that has more than one geometry cache node.
- Select Geometry Cache > Replace Cache Frame >
to set the Replace Cache Frame Options.
Delete Cache Frame
- Deletes single frames or whole frame ranges from the current object’s enabled geometry cache. For example, you can truncate the beginnings or ends of the enabled cache. See To delete geometry cache frames.
- Select Geometry Cache > Delete Cache Frame >
to set the Delete Cache Frame Options.
Delete History Ahead Of Cache
- Deletes all upstream construction history for the selected object, preserving the object’s geometry cached deformations.
Paint Cache Weights Tool
- Makes the Paint Cache Weights Tool your current tool. With this tool, you can paint and blend the weights of multiple caches on a single object’s surface. See Painting geometry cache weights.
- Select Geometry Cache > Paint Cache Weights Tool >
to set the Paint Cache Weights Tool Options.
Note: Geometry caches only store the XYZ positions of an object’s vertices, not the translation, rotation, or scale of the object’s Transform node.