The least squares modifier node controls how closely curve points stick to the locators. If you are using many point on curve locator constraints on a curve, or the shape of the curve is particularly complex, the curve might not always be able to stick to all of the point on curve locator constraints at the same time.
To edit least squares modifier attributes with Attribute Editor
- Select a locator acting as a point on curve locator constraint.
- Open the Attribute Editor by selecting Windows > Attribute Editor (default shortcut:
+a). From the Attribute Editor, go to the least squares modifier node (default name: leastSquaresModifiern), which is an output of the locator. (In the Channel Box, the node is listed under the locator’s OUTPUTS.)
- Expand the following headings to view available attributes: Least Squares Modifier Attributes, Point Constraints, Node Behavior, and Extra Attributes.