The items in this menu are also available on a marking menu when you are working in the UV Editor. Press Ctrl + right-click to access them.
Selects the faces contained by the current selection of UVs, edges, or vertices.
Selects all faces that share the currently selected UVs, edges, or vertices.
Selects the entire UV shell containing the current selection.
Selects the UVs along the border of the UV shell containing the current selection.
Selects the shortest path of edges between two or more selection points (vertices or UVs). The Select Shortest Edge Path Tool determines the most direct path between any two selection points and selects the edges in between.
The Select Shortest Edge Path Tool is particularly well suited to selecting a long and possibly winding path of edges on a mesh when you need to subsequently perform a Cut UV Edges operation.
Converts the selection from one component type to another connected type. For example, if you have faces selected and choose Convert to UVs, Maya will select all UVs connected to the selected faces.
Converts the existing component selection to edges, vertices, or UVs around the selection's perimeter.