The Bifröst
colliderProps attributes control the collision properties of the mesh objects that share this property. See
Work with Bifröst colliders.
Container Attributes
- Enable
- Enables evaluation of the entire container node.
- Evaluation Type
- Controls how the node is evaluated. Normally, this should not be changed.
- Simulation
- The node gets evaluated based on the previous frame.
- Property
- The node is used only to set values used by other nodes.
- Mesh Property
- The node is used to set values on polygon mesh objects, such as emitters, colliders, accelerators, and other meshes used in a simulation.
- Per Frame
- The node is evaluated every frame, but does not depend on the previous frame. This mode can be used for animation or reading cache files.
- Enable
- Enables the associated objects to act as colliders.
All colliders in a simulation are converted to voxels, which are then used to determine whether a region is inside the corresponding volume or not. The
Conversion options control how the objects associated to each
colliderProps node gets voxelized.
For colliders, the base width of each voxel is the product of the
Master Voxel Size attribute in the
Resolution group of the liquid or aero properties node and the
Voxel Scale attribute in the
Collision group of the liquid or aero container node.
- Controls how the object is voxelized:
- Solid creates a solid volume including the mesh interior. The mesh should be both manifold and watertight.
- Shell create a thin shell around the mesh surface. In this mode,
Thickness should typically be 1.0 or more.
Solid (Robust) is an alternative to
Solid that usually gives better results for volumes with fine detail, openings leading to cavities, or non-watertight surfaces. However, it does not handle fluids inside completely enclosed regions.
- Coarsen Interior
Saves memory by performing additional coarsening of the voxels inside the volume when
Mode is
Solid (Robust), especially with self-intersecting meshes.
- Offset Surface Distance
The distance in voxel widths used to close (dilate and then erode) the solid voxels when
Mode is
Solid (Robust). The internal minimum is 1.0 so only values greater than that have an effect. High values can create artifacts.
- The amount to thicken the collider, in voxel widths. For solid shapes that are already quite thick, you can use 0.0 for a precise boundary or even negative values to shrink along the surface normals. For thinner volumes and shells, you should use larger values to prevent holes.
- Note that thickness will round off sharp corners. In turn, this can cause other effects. For example, liquid particles may flow along the underside of a collider after flowing along the curved corner.
- Voxel Scale
Scaling factor for the
Master Voxel Size used to initially voxelize meshes that share this property. See
Control the voxel resolution of a Bifröst simulation.
- Refine Nearby Fluids
Prevents the fluid resolution from being coarsened in regions that are close to the collider when spatial adaptivity is enabled on the liquid properties node. Turn this option off for colliders where less detail is needed, for example, on the bottom and sides of pools, and turn it on for colliders where you want full detail. This does not affect the free surface (air boundary), which always uses full resolution. See
Control spatial adaptivity.