Editing solver parameters

During an analysis, solvers calculate simultaneous equations based upon the solver settings. Within the Process Settings Wizard, you can alter the numerical parameter defaults and solver tolerances for the selected molding process.

Common solver parameters and process settings can be changed with the Process settings wizard. For other parameters you need to access the advanced options page.

Note: Typically, the solver parameters should remain at their default values.
  1. Open the Process Settings Wizard.
  2. Using the Next button if necessary, locate the page of the Process Settings Wizard with a button called Advanced options....
    Tip: If the process sequence contains Fill+Pack, it is on that page. Otherwise it is on the first page of the Process Settings Wizard.
  3. Click Advanced options...
  4. Click Edit next to the Solver parameters drop-down list.
    Note: You can also edit the material, process conditions and machine parameters for the current study.