After you create or import an unmeshed geometry model, the next step is to mesh the model.
Although you chose a mesh type when you imported the CAD model, the mesh has not been generated at this stage. The mesh consists of triangular elements connected with nodes, and provides the basis for the analysis. The three supported finite element mesh types are: Midplane, Dual Domain, and 3D.
The mesh density should be optimized as far as possible. It is advisable to accept the default Global edge length on surface as an initial estimate. This length is often too coarse and may have to be refined to 1/3 to 1/2 of the initial value. Alternatively, a Global edge length on surface should be about 2 times the nominal wall thickness for a 3D mesh, and 2 to 5 times the nominal wall thickness for a Dual Domain mesh. You will now alter the mesh density.