Recovering disk space

Following are some suggested techniques to free disk space.

Compacting a project

The Compact Compact Project tool ( Application button > Project > Compact) reduces the amount of disk space that is used by the current project by deleting restart files in the project folder. The amount of space that can be saved is displayed on the Compact Project dialog.

Note: Restart files enable steps in the analysis sequence that have already been run to be reused if they have not been invalidated by changes to the solver parameters or process settings. This capability no longer exists if the restart files have been deleted.

Archiving a project to a ZIP file

When a project is archived to a ZIP file, the analysis results are retained.

Tip: Compacting a project before archiving it to ZIP format will achieve significant space savings. When you have confirmed that the ZIP archive includes all the project information that you want retained, you can delete the original project and save even more disk space.

Archiving a project by conventional means

It is possible to move an entire project to a different disk drive or storage medium.

Deleting temporary analysis files

Temporary analysis files are kept for post-processing purposes. These files can be manually removed to save disk space.

You can manually delete files with the following extensions and still keep all results: *.c2p, *.hbr, *.lsp, *.m3r, *.mab, *.opp, *.osp, *.ppc, *.rso, *.rsp.

Note: Restart capability is lost if you delete restart and solver interface files.

Deleting all results associated with a study

You can delete any files except the *.mpi and *.sdy to remove all the results, but retain the analysis settings.