Importing IGES model files

This is a table summarizing the IGES entities supported by this product.

IGES files have the extension *.igs or *.iges. This table lists the IGES entities supported for import. The supported IGES versions are 5.3 or earlier.

After importing an IGES file, and before running a Fill+Pack analysis, pay close attention to the edge length of the mesh around high curvature areas on your model, and make sure they are not too coarse. It is recommended that you mesh with a smaller edge length, allowing the mesh to approximate the corners correctly.

Note: Autodesk also supplies Autodesk Moldflow Design Link which has extended IGES import capabilities and the ability to import native file formats.

Supported IGES entities

The following table lists the IGES entities that are recognized and translated when reading in an IGES file. If the IGES file contains entities that are not listed here, they will be ignored in the translation process.

Attention: Nested subfigures are not supported and will not be read when the model is imported. Please ensure, when importing IGS curves from ANSA and Hypermesh, that there are no instances of nested subfigures.
IGES entity name IGES entity number Form number Parasolid entity
Circular Arc 100 0 Circle
Composite Curve 102 0 Curve List
Conic Arc: Ellipse 104 1 Ellipse
Conic Arc: General 104 0 Spline Curve
Copious Data: 2D Path 106 11 Curve List
Copious Data: 3D Path 106 12 Curve List
Copious Data: Closed 2D Curve 106 63 Curve List
Plane: Bounded 108 1 Plane
Line 110 0 Line
Parametric Spline Curve 112 0 --
Parametric Spline Surface 114 0 --
Ruled Surface 118 1 Spline
Surface of Revolution 120 0 Spun Surface
Tabulated Cylinder 122 0 Swept Surface
Direction 123 0 Vector
Transformation Matrix 124 0 Transf
Rational B-Spline Curve 126 0 Spcurve
Rational B-Spline Surface 128 0 Spline
Offset Curve 130 0 Curve
Offset Surface 140 0 Surface
Boundary Entity 141 0 Loop
Curve on a Parametric Surface 142 0 Loop
Bounded Surface 143 0 Face
Trimmed Surface 144 0 Face
MSBO* 186 0 Solid
Plane Surface* 190 0 Plane
Right Circular Cylindrical Surface* 192 0 Cylinder
Right Circular Conical Surface* 194 0 Cone
Spherical Surface* 196 0 Sphere
Toroidal Surface* 198 0 Torus
Subfigure Definition Entity 308 0 Solid
Associative Instance Entity 402 1,7 --
Singular Instance Entity 408 0 Solid
Vertex List* 502 1 Vertex
Edge List* 504 1 Edge
Loop* 508 1 Loop
Face* 510 1 Face
Shell* 514 1 Shell

* Requires Autodesk Moldflow Design Link to be installed.